I highly recommend that if you are a fan of Camryn's, you pick up a copy of the September issue of MODE magazine, which has some incredibly lovely and sexy photos of her. She's very active in the fat-activist movement and is desirous of making a movie about the size-acceptance movement and fat-activists.
(NOTE: Camryn, if you see this, please write to me! I have been in the movement since 1992, am a supersize BBW, writer, and model, who has made two erotic videos and written BBW and FA fiction and size-acceptance articles. I'm currently working on a book to promote size-acceptance. I'd love to get involved with you film project and help in any way that I can. Bless you for what you've achieved for all of us! You are very loved!)
To watch Anna Nicole Smith morph from her current, slender size,
into a more huggable one, click
Personally, I think of anyone who can still fit into a size 14/16 as slender. Actually, I view those who can still shop at Plus-Size women's stores (up to sizes 24/28), and who don't have to order all of their clothes via mail order (like I do), as small to medium! I also have a preference for women with some meat on their bones, and think Anna Nicole, et al, look far prettier at their "fattest" weights.

The exquisite Kate Winslet. (Stills of Kate Winslet in Titanic)

Kate Winslet at the Academy Awards
Kate Winslet was criticized by numerous TV and radio commentators who remarked on how "fat" she was, including one would said that Kate might look good if she'd just "lose another ten pounds," and another who made jokes about her "fat" arms. Have these people been brainwashed, or what? When I first saw Ms. Winslet walk down that magnificent staircase in Titanic, I thought she was one of the most exceptionally beautiful women I'd ever seen! The mere suggestion that this actress is "overweight" is ludicrous. In fact, I think she could stand to gain a few pounds! ;-))

The controversial Miss Universe, universally criticized for having gained too much weight, "before" and "after." Sorry folks, but I still think she looks quite slender even in the "after" shot--and for that amount of weight gain they were actually contemplating taking away her crown!

The lovely Minnie Driver. In the film (still shown above) "Circle of Friends," her character criticizes herself for being a "fat cow," who believes that no boy could ever love her.

Sex Symbols of the Past
(who would be considered "fat" today)

The magnificently sexy Mae West

One of the sexiest women ever to grace this planet, Sophia Loren.

Perhaps THE sexiest woman of all time, Marilyn Monroe. By today's Hollywood standards, she would be considered "fat." At her highest weight, she was a size 16. I think she looked her prettiest in the movies where she was also the heaviest, "Some Like it Hot," and
"Let's Make Love."

Jane Russell--a favorite of billionaire Howard Hughes.

Anita Ekberg. Frederico Fellini's most beloved actress.

Elizabeth Taylor of the lavender eyes.
Her weight continually fluctuates,
but we love her whatever her size--
even when she's thin! ;-))

The Formerly Fat
We Liked you Better and/or you were Nicer and Prettier when you were Fat!

Sorry, Dolly, but you were definitely sexier and more natural before all the plastic surgery and weight loss. I've heard this echoed by many people, so I know I'm not alone in mourning your (and our) loss. We miss the old Dolly! A true feast for the eyes and the soul.

This was the only photo I could find of Ricki Lake when she was fat (a still from the movie, "Cry Baby"). It's almost as if these formerly fat women go out of their way to see that no record exists of their previously lovely bodies. I've heard from lots of people who preferred Ricki at her plumpest, as she was in the series, "China Beach," and in the movies "Hairspray" and "Cry Baby." The general consensus is that she is not as nice a person since losing weight and gaining her own talk show. Maybe it's because she's hungry all the time! (P.S. If anyone has any other old pics of Ricki, please email them to me to be posted here.)
Newest Star
Singer Candye Kane, a lovely BBW, has just released a new CD. To visit Candye's website, click
Oprah Winfrey has done grevious harm to more fat people than anyone I can think of, with the possible exception of David Letterman (who apparently despises all fat people). Ever since she first started on the "Optifast" plan, losing over 60 pounds of weight, and motivating hundreds of thousands of Americans to join her by also going on the liquid fast, she has done far more harm than good. Afterwards, of course, she regained the weight, because, repeat after me: DIETS DON'T WORK, and she wound up heavier than she'd ever been before--along with everyone who followed her.
95% of the American population is not fat becasue they overeat, but because of genetics and too many years of yo-yo dieting. Oprah, through psychotherapy, a personal fitness trainer, and live-in low calorie chef, managed to finally lose the weight and keep it off. This is because she falls into that 5% of the populace who can sometimes be successful losing weight, as their weight was initially caused by massive overeating, and stemmed from what Oprah calls "emotional baggage." The now svelte Ms. Winfrey believes that since her "weight problem" was due to abuse she suffered as a child, that emotional problems are the true cause of EVERYONE's being fat. She has stated as much on her show. This misperception, fed to her millions of viewers as "truth," continues to make most fat Americans feel like they are failures and somehow lacking in willpower, or psychologically screwed up, because they can't understand: "If Oprah could do it, why can't I?"
Well, the answer is probably that you're an emotionally healthy person, genetically predisposed to be larger than model-thin, who has yo-yo dieted your weight far beyond what it might have been naturally, in a vain attempt to reach an arbitrarily standardized ideal of beauty. The trick is, not to lose weight, to remember that it is possible to be fit AND fat, to learn to love and accept yourself exactly as you are, and to be able to discern the truth, which is that fat can be beautiful! Just look at the women on this page! Look in the mirror! Love yourself, no matter what your size.
P.S. Though Oprah's catharsis has been harmful to fat people as a whole, I cannot help but praise her more recent efforts in "Remembering Spirit" which help us all and are beautifully done.

To view a list of

Myths About Fat People
Myth 1: Fat People are Constantly Eating Fattening Foods
1) We don't sit around eating Twinkies and doughnuts all day. Most of us eat exactly the way slender people do, we just have much slower metabolisms.
Myth 2: Fat People don't have any Willpower
2) We have every bit as much, if not more, "willpower" as
slender people. When persons who were thin were put on the same diets fat people were expected to follow, they were no more able to succeed staying on these diets--even for short periods of time--than their fat counterparts.
Myth 3: Fat People have Psychological Problems
3) Only 5% of those people who are considered fat have gotten that way due to excess "emotional baggage." Oprah continues to attempt to convince the country that all fat people are fat for the same reason that she was. This is simply untrue.
Myth 4: Being Fat is Unhealthy
4) First, I strongly suggest that everyone read Rethinking Obesity by Dr. Paul Ernsberger, a leading--and by the way slender (i.e., considered objective by our fat-prejudiced society)--researcher at Case Western University. Most of what follows is paraphrased from this book.
It is
dieting that is truly unhealthy--causing gallstones in cases of extreme weight loss,
and heart problems, which are not caused by being fat, but primarily from the loss of lean muscle
tissue (i.e., heart muscle), which is the first thing to go when one goes on
a diet. The fat dissolves last.
Further, statistics actually show (SEE Ernsberger again) that fat people actually live LONGER than their model-size counterparts. (The thinnest people die the soonest.) It has been proven healthiest to weigh approximately 25 to 35% more
than the insurance charts say one should. Granted, I personally am larger than that,(400+ lbs.), but, again according to statistics, even being as heavy as I am will only shorten my lifespan by perhaps 6-9 MONTHS at the most (unless I'm foolish enough to
go back to yo-yo dieting to destroy some more heart muscle!), and I'm still more likely to live longer than waif-like models.
It truly is
healthier to remain at a high, stable weight than to fluctuate. It is
possible to be fit AND fat. I was swimming 40-50 laps three times a day in
South Africa!
By the way, there are NO diseases that only fat people get. We are far less
likely, in fact, to get almost every form of cancer, with only one
exception, and that is endometrial (and breast cancer, but only after the
age of 50, below that, thin women are more likely to get it). There are dozens of other forms of cancer than we are LESS likely to get than slender people. We are also less
likely than thin people to actually die from a heart attack, though we may have a slightly higher incidence of them.
Additionally, women whose
weights are up where mine are, generally have lower cholesterol levels than
anyone! Mine is 190, and has been for years. There is just so much
MIS-information out there about how bad it is to be fat and most of it was
disseminated by the weight loss industry in order to increase their sales
(though it all began with insurance companies trying to find a way to charge
their customers more back in the 1920's).

Activism & Discrimination
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