
Episode 2

Storm was tied, or rather held in place by a sort of solid laser, to a cold metal table. He could see around him. He was in some sort of odd structure, all metal. There was a computer terminal about ten feet from his feet with some people who appeared to be wearing biohazard protection suits at it. One of them turned around, revealing that the entire front of the suit was see-through. It wasn't human! The being was about six feet tall, humanoid, but with grey-blue, scaly skin. It looked somewhat like an anthropomorphic lizard, somewhat being the operative word. It had three claws on both feet and hands. It suddenly spoke.

"Epotosi eht eraperp!" There seemed to be a slight lag between the time when the creature finished moving its mouth and when the sound came out. Another one responded, still facing the terminal.

"YTTUP: Tcejorp gnitavitca. Ydaer epotosi." The creature punched in some commands to the terminal. A large gun with a glowing stone at the back of the barrel raised out of the floor. It was aimed at Storm! The stone glowed a bright yellow, getting brighter.

The first creature spoke again. "ERIF!!!!!!!" The stone glowed one last time and suddenly went out. Three seconds later, a laser shot out of the gun, struck Storm in the chest, and he blacked out. The last thing he heard was the first creature say, "Etsaw a tahw."

He regained consciousness later.

It was late on Thursday night. Kate Hawkins was feeling better now, and she decided to go to the lab and catch up on the work that she had missed. She walked into the biogenetics lab and heard a moaning. It sounded like Storm! She ran in the direction of the moaning. "Storm?" she yelled.

"Help me, Kate." It sure sounded like Storm. But it was coming from a pulsating brown blob lying on the floor!


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