Bowen opened his eyes. Somehow, he and Makks had survived crashing into the rock wall in the fast moving Shot. "We survived!" he yelled.
Makks wasn't particularly overjoyed. "Oh, I had forgotten about the sliphole generator that I installed last week. Of course, the only person besides me who knows how to use it is Jandur Lan, but he's on a mission."
The door of the Shot opened. A female voice said, "He taught me." Bowen and Makks both spun around. The woman standing in the door was beautiful, about 5'4" and blonde. Like Makks, she had pointed ears, but other than that, she looked human.
Makks spoke, sounding unsurprised. "Oh. Hi Nak." He turned to Bowen. "That's Nakluna. She's a wood elf and our resident ranger."
"And a hell of a computer operator," she added. "Without me, you two would be dead now, and Crenhk would know where we are." She left.
Bowen turned to Makks and spoke. "She's beautiful."
"She's also my girlfriend!" yelled a voice, also coming from the door of the shot. "I'm Grend ElFlet." The man was green skinned and about 6'6", with wings folded down on his back like a gargoyle. Three fingers with inch-long claws on each of his hands, one hand on each of his four arms. He had a head that looked like someting out of Aliens. He was holding the second biggest sword that Bowen had ever seen, six feet long, with serrated edges and a blade emitting an ominous green light.
"Dragonkin." Makks said. "Don't worry. They don't always look like that. Only when they want to scare people. Show him, Grend." Grend's fingers changed from three per hand to five as two of his arms shrank into his torso. He became slightly shorter, but only by about three inches.His head also mutated until he looked like a normal human. A normal human with green skin and wings, but a human nonetheless.
Grend spoke again, his voice being one of the few things that were the same as when he was in his monstrous form. "Stay away from Nak, or you won't live to tell about it." Grend left, but not before transforming back into his bigger self.
"Maybe it would be a good idea if we went outside so I can meet everyone else and find out the whole story," Bowen said.
"My thoughts exactly," replied Makks. "I'll speak to Astmor."
A dark throne room. A man wearing a cloak sat on the throne. Another creature, a Sarr, was kneeling before the throne. The man on the throne spoke tonelessly. "What have I told you, Tull?"
"Never fail to kill a traitor who is not a member of the resistance or it will cost you your worthless Sarr life." replied the Sarr weakly.
"That is correct. What have you done, Tull?" said the man, once again without any feeling.
"Failed to kill a traitor who is not a member of the resistance."
"What is your punishment?"
"Another chance, Lord Crenhk?"
For the first time speaking with any feeling, Lord Crenhk replied. "Survey says: Uh-Uh. Good bye, Tull." Crenhk raised his right hand. A ball of blue energy crackled around it, which quickly discharged. A flash of blue light, a scream, and when the light cleared, the Sarr was gone, his armor lying in a neat little pile on the floor.
Crenhk picked up a small crystal ball off of a small table next to him and spoke into it. "Jaal, send in the next Tull clone."
A female voice emanating from the ball replied, "He will be right there."