Bowen's Journey

Episode 2

Bowen Kyret found himself in a clearing in the woods. "How the hell did I get here" he thought out loud. "One second I'm on Richardson Avenue, the next I'm standing here, in the woods." The next thing he knew, a band of creatures, ten anthropomorphic tigers wielding assorted weapons, had encircled him. They didn't look happy, as much as Bowen could tell. "Uh, hi. How're you doin'?"

One of them, who seemed to be the leader by his heavier armor and two handed sword, spoke. "He wears not the sign of Crenhk. Kill the Basicar traitor!" The others started to close in on Bowen, brandishing armaments ranging from cudgels to shurikens.

"Whatever a Basicar traitor is, I'm not one of them!" He leaped out of the closing circle just in time to avoid having his legs slashed off by a creature using a scimitar. He knew that that gymnastics training would come in handy sometime. He landed right behind one of the creatures and punched it in the back of the head. The creature fell forward, impaling itself on a spear. Bowen pulled the spear out of the creature, steadied himself, and charged, screaming the only battle cry he could think of at the time. "EULALIAAAAA!!!!!!!"

With that cry, he gutted three of the creatures and decapitated a fourth. What a rush! , he thought as he stabbed another creature. The leader was beginning to appear nervous. The leader roared and screamed, "Retreat!!!" Those who were still alive disappeared into the shadows as fast as they had come. Bowen took a look at the dead creatures. The five he had killed with spear were all in a little pile. Their weapons, two swords, a chakram, a pack of shurikens, and a staff were lying next to them.

Bowen picked up the staff and it instantly shrunk down to pocket size. The other weapons did the same. Bowen was tossing them into his backpack when a large, lumbering tank-like vehicle drove into the clearing. "Oh crud. What now?" Bowen said as a hatch on the top began to open.


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