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Things that I find wrong with games

OK lets start off with Mechwarrior2 Mercenaries.

PPC's shoot a beam of light like lasers not some peice of flying shit. For some reason if you lose both of your legs get destroyed your mech' gets destroyed. I can get my mech to jump almost a kilometre when mechs only can jump around 200 metres. Why the hell did they make Inner Sphere use points when its clans not mercenary organization. You only can have a max of three mechs in at once when the Inner sphere smallest unit have 4 mechs and two aerofighters not just one. The Clans had stars that had 5 mechs not 3 like. Gauss Rifles do a hell alot more damage and AC20's, god they are suppose to almost rip all the armor off one location or aleadt half the armor agains't assualt mechs. Why didn't they just use the real rules from mechwarrior or battletech kinda like Mechwarrior3 which FASA is making(the real people who made mechwarrior).

My Battletech Section

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