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LAST UPDATED Tuesday Noverber 11th, 1997!!!
Check out the links!!!
And a new RANT!!! And, an unknown page!!!
And, a counter!!
And I wrote a poem!!
You are the
person to access this page since 10/30/97
Check out the IRC page too!!!
WELCOME!! You are among the first to enter my virtual head. I have existed in realtime/space for 22 years and am now taking that trendy step into cyberspace. So strap on your safety harnesses and get ready to see just what I am about (or think I am about). (and is there a difference?) You have just entered, the neutral zone. Take us in slowly number one.. And for god's sake, don't call the media!!!
This is the first incarnation of my website, so check back and I will have more goodies for you to look and goggle all over. And if you have any suggestions, just email me!!! Feel free to list me on you site if you like me enough, Or if you want your site listed as a link here, send me an email including your URL and I'll check it out and get back to you. ALSO!!!!! Visit my chat room "Punk Boys". Click here to see me!!! Click here to see my links page. Click here to read my "Rant of the moment". Click here to see the unknown. Click here to read a poem I wrote on Solsitice!! CLICK HERE TO SEE THE "NEW" PAGE ON IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and a note about ICQ (new chat thingy that my friend Tolver likes better)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!CLICK HERE TO SIGN GUESTBOOK, but beware, the entry will be posted on the guestbook for all the web to see, !!email private messages!!
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© 1997