Chapter X

On the Bright Wings of Azara

What happened next I shall never forget. As my eyes were still closed the first sensation I had that indicated that something amazing was happening was that I began to hear notes in counterpoint moving first slow then very fast in pure semitones, up and down in arcehpeligo movements, but these were not the semitones of common scales like the chromatic scale,these were broken down into something more akin to scales used by Indian Sitars, or the ancient Welsh scales used by harpists. Then there was a bright flash of light, but not the sort of light that pains the eyes, but rather the sort that all eyes long for and search for in sun beams through clouds at evening. I opened my eyes and saw that the rust had fallen away and there, hovering over the tall spire of rock was a beautiful saucer ship that looked like liquid silver. "Azara wyll lywl, ryhshinaa shei bwyl thynaadd. Beto! Lywl shei natu bwyll athywyl." I said without really understanding what I was saying, the words just sprang from my heart and came forcefully from my lips.

Whatever it was it seemed to work, for the ship moved across the space seperating me and it, landed a short distance away, and opened a door in the hull and sent out a ramp. I looked around to holler up the hill to my friends in excitment, but they were already standing a short distance away, their faces exstatic. Even Kian seemed awestruck for a moment. "Shall we take it for a spin?" I said, (I had heard someone on earth say that as a young child, and suddenly I remembered the expression). They all laughed, and we ran on board to see what it looked like inside.

Inside was a round table ornamented with relief symbols and characters. The metal it was made of was like dark copper. In the center of the table was a large gem. And around the table were seats. This was in the dome part of the saucer. The round table had a pedestal leg, which was a shaft really that disappeared under the floor. There were window around the dome. And the quarters were fairly cramped. There was enough room for all of us to sit. The seating area around the table was like a round pew, except that there was one part that was more like a chair. I sat there, feeling very drawn to this chair, as if it were a long lost part of myself. It was a black chair, carved with all sorts of ornamental relief, very much like the Welsh Estifodd chairs. It was the one part of the ship that was not made of metal, it was made of some sort of wood, and had a polished feel of emmense but well preserved age. After we all sat down, we all stared at each other not knowing what to do. "What now?" I said.

"You're asking us?" said Kian

Suddenly an intense blue beam of light shot out from the gem and it was pointed toward my forehead I was told after. There is only two words to describe the feeling that this beam gave me, and that is "immense power." It was like awakening to this immense power within oneself. It was not another mind meeting mine, it was my mind being given a tool of enormous power and strength. Have you ever had a deep seated longing to be at a certain place, but you had no easy way to get there. Well this was like the sudden realization that you could be there, and in a very short period of time.

My first thought was that I wanted to show my friends the nebula that Pellenas had shown me. I projected this thought with my mind, hoping to get an answer, which I immediately got. That is when the ship began to rise straight up. I looked over through one of the rectangular windows and could see us rising above the canyon, and we were slowly spinning round and round like one of those push-go-rounds they have at city parks that all children love so much. It was a slow spin, like the spin of a flat rock dropped into deep water, only we were moving straight up. There were strangely enough, a few bumps going through the atmosphere, but once we were off the planet everything was incredibly smooth.

When travelling enormous distances through space sacred geometry in conjunction with a particular branch of wave science is used to make an enormous leap in space. The image that always comes to mind when I think of this is oragamy. Of a folded animal that changes shape, and in the process of changing shape it is suddenly in a new place in the cosmos. Think of the animal as space. It could be that the astronomy of the ancient Greeks was really a knowledge of this principle recieved from the star people, but not fully understood. We of course have tried in fain to see the shapes of beautiful women and hunters, swans and flying horse but with little success. We used the configuration of the crowned swan to make our leap to within a safe distance from the nebula. It is an experience that my new found brothers will never forget.

Imagine that the whole sky is aflame with streaming currents of bright red flame, that there is no place in your field of vision that is not a fire show. Imagin color varitions as subtle as the most beautiful piece of polished wood. If you can do this you can begin to imagine what we saw. Arthur was like I was the first time I saw it. He stared out the window like one who was in love. You can not see something like this and not be totally in love with all creation, with the magnificent fires of creation. Kian and the silent ones too looked out the windows with big eyes, and with a desire to see more. I could see this and I communicated this to the beam of light that still seemed as if it were connected to my forehead. Suddenly a hush came over us all, and the ship seemed to become totally silent. Then the hull of the ship began to glimmer for a moment, like intense rays of the sun. Then suddenly like ripples on a lake that suddenly stop with a lull in the breeze, the hull of the ship became transparent. And then it was just us, the table, and our seats, as if we were all floating in space. We could see everything around us. The stars and the galaxy in other directions, the fiery nebula in front of us. We all began to cry with the beauty of it.

Then after a time Kian began to sing. Then I, then the silent ones, and last Arthur. And as we sang our hearts filled with beauty that reached out into the vast cosmos, and made us so that we never were the same. It made us so that we could never betray our hearts, no matter what tortures we might face. It made us in a way, invinsible.

Eventually we returned to Avalon. We had lost all track of time, and found upon our return that we had been gone for five days. I landed my unicorn ship near the great tree where Leanor and I had talked all night. This became a favorite place to land because I could come down under the canopy of the great tree, and then move in under the great limbs and almost disappear from sight there. It was a very unobtrusive place to land. It is hard to describe how at one I felt with this ship. It was like having a part of yourself living inside a machine that responded to your every thought. But it was like it could also screen my thoughts for thoughts which were just "in passing" so to speak, and those that were on other subjects, and then those which were a direct command like "Go back to Avalon." This was not a ship that took skill to fly as so many Avalon ships I saw over the years did. This was more like the relationship between a man and his horse. That at oneness where the two seem to become one. Over time this was to happen at a level that I found so thrilling that I became addicted I think to the feeling of zooming through the heavens at incredible speeds. I still think about it here on earth, and long for it terribly.

When we got back Arthur and Kian took me aside for a moment after we came out of the ship. They seemed to be debating silently whether or not they should ask me now or not, and I guess that finally they decided to ask me right then rather then later. "If we should have to go somewhere in a hurry someday," said Arthur, "will you take us? In this ship of yours?"

"Yes, think of it as an adventure," said Kian."

I didn't have to think about it at all. "Of course," I said, "where will we be going then?"

"It won't be for a long time," said Arthur, "it may not happen at all, but if it does we would like you to take us there. Fair enough?"

"I feel very honored," I said. "You can count on me."

"Good," said Arthur, "we thought we could. Let's go say hello to everyone, they will be wondering about us by now."

But everyone seemed to know already where we had been and what we had done. Everyone wanted to know if they could go for a ride in Azara some day. "Azara?" I asked, remembering that that was one of the words I had used to summon the ship to me. "Yes, yes," they all said, "you have been flying on the bright wings of Azara. We have many stories of him, and of you too. But you don't know yourself very well. Azara will show you."

"Who am I then?" I asked, half to myself, and very much in frustration

That's when Leanor stepped in, "You are the One. The One that everybody has been waiting for."

"But what does that mean?" I said.

They all smiled, for a little crowd had gathered around me with Leanor at their head like their spokes person and heroin. "You will know some day. If we tell you, it may do you more harm then good. Most of the time it is better to discover things by one's self. But come along for now, we must have a feast tonight, and hear the tale of the four young men who flew on the bright wings of Azara. Kian and Arthur have already gone to present themselves to Finn, you must do so as well. Then we must see what sort of young men you have become, see if you are worthy of entering our history. It is a great honor to have this accorded one, to be admitted to the legends of the Finn O Shee. No outsider has done so since Thomas the Rhymer, and that was many centuries ago."

They took me to get dressed into finer garb, which was given me by Taliessin. But all I could think about the whole time I was preparing myself for the evening's feast was "Who am I?" And "When will I get to ride Azara again."

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