Peasants' Vilification Tennis
Most of these insults are used at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival Peasants' Vilificaiton Tennis game/show. They're here for your fun, but if they aren't yours, DON'T USE THEM AT THE SHOW!
You had to convert from being a Jew because when it came time for circumcism,
the Rabbi kept missing.
You converted to Catholicism because you heard there was a man hung like
this in church -|-
A quick impression...
You waiting in line to donate at a sperm bank (gargle milk or other
white substance)
A quick impression... (make spreading motion, jump in, wrap arms
around self and wiggle around, look happy)
Player 1: I tried to do an impression of you yesterday, but I just
couldn't get my head that far up my ass
Point, but in the future, the word ass shall only be used in reference
to a donkey.
Player2: He was referring to a donkey
Not to say that your mom's fat or anything, but...
Smaller fat women orbit around her.
When she goes sunbathing, the natives come running out, bowing, and throw
virgins into her navel praying for another year of mercy.
When she goes to Sea World, Shamu gets a hard-on
- Your mother's so fat, she fell in love... and broke it!
- Your mother's so fat, she sat on a rowing machine, and it sank.
- Your mother's so fat, when she farts, they post hurricane warnings.
- Your mom's butt is so big it looks like two pigs fighting over a
milkdud. (Kris)
Your mother is so fat that when she jumps up she gets stuck. (Chris)
- Your mother is so fat her blood type is "peanut butter" -Crackmonkey
- Your mother is so fat she has her own national anthem -Crackmonkey
Your mom's so loose/gross...
- I don't mean to say that your mother is loose, but every so often we hear
from between her legs the sound of seven little voices singing, 'hi-ho,
hi-ho, it's off to work we go'.
If your mom gets another face lift, she'll have a beard.
When Red Lobster has an all you can eat crab special, all your mom has
to do is uncross her legs.
Not to say that your mother's promiscuous or anything, but she does have
to fold her sheets with a hammer.
I had sex with your mom yesterday, but I didn't have to pay because my
punchcard was full.
Tell your mother to stop wearing blue lipstick. My balls are starting to look like smurfs!
I came across your mom the other day...
-Dan Hasselius
aka Wilsome Daff MacLeod o' Harris
- You're so stupid, you thought the English Channel is something you get with
- You remind me of a worm. Even after drinking a whole bottle of Tequila, the guy still has to decide if he wants to eat you.
- I heard you failed taxadermy school. You had the wrong impression of how to stuff a large mouth bass
- When you were born,
your mother looked at the umbilical cord and said, 'oh, look, it comes with
- I was going to make a pitcher of kool-aid, but I was afraid your mother
would come crashing through the wall yelling 'oh, yeah!
-Eric Clark
(Captain Andrew Marlowe)
Your sister was walking around with a tampon behind her ear and asked if
you had seen her last cigarette.
Does that bother you at night when the bed bugs have turf wars with your
You went to an Arkansas whorehouse and thought you'd stumbled upon a family reunion.
I would have been your father, but the guy ahead of me in line had correct change.
Do I go to where you work and slap the sailors' dicks out of your mouth?
Sex with you is like opening a bank account. You make a deposit,
you make a withdrawal, and lose interest.
- When are you finally going to face reality and start calling me Dad?
- Player 1: If you were a buffet at a casino, no one would eat you!
Player 2 (Oriental): If you were a bowl of fried rice at my family reunion, no one would eat you! If you were a loaf of bread at the Last Supper, no one would eat you!
- Do you brush your teeth? If so, are the bristles facing towards or away from you? (Thibor)
- you brush your teeth with your feet? (Thibor)
Why are we against these two? We said we'd take all comers
- Did your parents have any children that lived?
- You're so dumb, you think asphalt is a rectal problem!
When you fell out of the ugly tree you must've hit every branch on the
way down! -Jimmyjames
You're so stupid, you think that Pokémon is Jamaican gay porn!
- The best part of you ran down your mother's leg. -Annigerria
- At your sister's last gynecological exam, they finally figured out in which quadrant of space Voyager has been lost in for the last ... years!
- I'm glad that your mother finally got her navel pierced so that she finally has a place to hang the air freshener!
- I'm glad your mother finally got those implants that I'd been suggesting; a cupholder and an ashtray in the small of her back.
- I asked your mom for some material to use against you, but she couldn't stop screaming "Oh my God! You're so big!"
- I was going to say something about you sleeping with sheep, but no one would believe that a sheep would sleep with you!
- What was it that you called a sheep up against an electric fence? Oh yeah, a vibrator!
- What do you give to the man who has everything? Antibiotics!
You think cremation is playing hard to get.
For you, foreplay is simply unzipping the body bag.
You think that "grave reservations" simply means being first in line to
defile the corpse.
Didn't you think it was odd when your last three dates all asked the same
thing in bed: Daddy, are you sure this is right?
- You remind me of Kmart. All boys jeans 1/2 off.
I heard you got a new belt buckle. It says something like "users
must be under this high to ride".
- I hear you've finally stopped eating Brownies. It seems you've moved on to the Boy Scouts.
Other (directed at men)...
You're just jealous that she has a higher sperm count than you do.
If I wanted your comeback (cum back), I'd ask your mom to spit and your
dad to fart.
Your wife's favorite thing about sex is that she finally has time to finish
the grocery list.
I heard you lost your job at the sheep farm; it seems just too many
of them started looking like you.
Do you know what he calls that useless piece of skin on the end of his
penis? Mom.
You're the only man I know who goes to the sperm bank to make a withdrawal.
This from a man who thought his new girlfriend's name was "Do Not Over
I passed the sheep fold the other night and they were all celebrating.
Word is you've moved on to goats. (Shawnna Werner)
- You, Sir, are depriving a village of an idiot. (Chris)
- This coming from a man who as recently discovered his love of small woodland animal; seems those are the only cheeks he can fill
Size issues...
You could screw a Cheerio without breaking it.
In an attempt to regain his masculinity, he renamed his part to "Sasquatch".
Kinda fitting, actually. Most have never seen it, and those who have
aren't really sure it was even there.
- You're the only man I know who's been known for molesting his inner child.
Other (directed at women)...
- You're so flat, you could wear your [bodice] backwards and no one would know the difference. -Dewan Debra
- I didn't know you were into cowboys, until I heard you last night.... (to the Bonanza theme) " get it up, get it in, get it out, don't mess my hairdoooooooooo!!!!!!!"
The difference between you and a bowling ball is that you can only fit
3 fingers in a bowling ball.
He displays all the signs of a lonely man: A calloused hand; well
muscled wrist; and he's with you.
You're so loose you've got Trojan permanently imprinted on your lips.
You'll have to excuse her. She's been a bit touchy since they took
away her "Fondle Me Elmo" doll.
You went out and bought 7 cucumbers and labeled them: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
The difference between you and an easy chair is that one is big and squishy
and always has a hairy fat guy in it. The other is a chair.
- They call her the Bermuda Triangle; nothing's swallowed more se(a)men.
Isn't that just like a woman? Not quite a woman, but just like one?
- Excuse me M'lady But I do belive you have the whitest teeth I've Come (cum)
- The difference between the women in his family and the circus is that when you
goto the circus you see a cunning aray of stunts...
- I hear you finally landed a role in a major motion picture. It must be great to be known as hooker #1!
I'm not saying you're ugly or anything, but...
When you were born, your mother diapered your face and nursed your ass.
- You're ass is so big, it comes with multi-tasking capabilities...
- You're so ugly , you could make a train take a dirt road! (LadiHawk9)
Does your face hurt? It's killing me.
- You're so ugly, I bet you think this insult is about you! -Nivek D. Shadow
- Show some respect! I could have been your father if the dog hadn't
beat me up the stairs. -John the Bastard
- You're so ugly you're going straight to Hell! God looked down on you and said DAMN! -BJ
And the worst for last...
For more Vilification Insults, go to
Rosalily's Renfest Regalia

This picture was stolen from Sherry Roth who later
gave permission for it's use. Thanks Sherry :).
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