The 'Ozrat Family' consists of 2 humans and 4 ratgirls. You can read about the humans on the main page.This is were you can find out about our gorgeous ratgirls, Teebee, and Pixie-Bell! The girls have their own 'play area' at the rear of the house. As much as I loved having the girls in my living space, we have to compromise due to their little 'chewing' habits! Rats chew as part of their natural instinct, and can be quite destructive (unintentionally on their part!). Even taking that into account, rats are the best pets I have owned by far! Even though their lifespans are short when compared to other pets, it's worth it for the love they return!

Caramel Caramel R.I.P. January 1997 - 3rd February 2000. Passed away after surgery to remove 2 large mammary tumours. Being 3yrs old, she was not a good candidate for the operation, but she was being starved by the tumours, so it was best to at least try. She made it through the operation, but never came out of the anaesthetic. She was a grey hooded, black eyed doe, and was the most sweetest little girl-rat! She enjoyed nothing better than climbing into my shirt, or trying to grooming me! (nibbling gently on my fingers and nails, and trying deperately to look in my nose and ears!) She was a truly affectionate cuddle rat, my favourite always. I miss her terribly.
Shanny Shanny R.I.P. Sept.1997 - joined our family on the 14th of June 1997, and was then 9 months old. Passed away ..1999.from a suspected liver tumour causing internal bleeding. She was adopted from a breeder who had to move interstate. Her name was originally Shantress, but we called her Shanny! She was a Champagne Self, which meant she looked like a dirty white rat! She was a very fat rat compared to the other girls, but was very good at balancing on your shoulder while you walk around. She also enjoyed going to the video shop with Mum! While not a cuddly rat as such, she was unique.
Why R.I.P. and Teebee


They were born on the 2nd of June 1998 and Why passed away on the 10th March 2000. She had no signs of sickness at all, but it may have been that she had been pining for Mousey after dying a week earlier? They both came from a breeder in Rockhampton. I agreed to help find homes for some of the 17 (!) babies in Townsville. There were 2 little girls left, so I decided to add them to the Ozrat Family! They were both black berkshire / silver black crosses, meaning black with silver guard hairs, and have small markings in white on their bellies.Teebee has a 'thunderbolt' zigzag, and Why had a 'Y' mark!
I also now have PIXIE-BELL who is a black hooded friend for Teebee. So now I have TB and PB! (-8
Frimmy, aka Badrat Frimmy - R.I.P. January 1997 to 9th July 1998. My little fawn hooded, red eyed doe, Frimmy Badrat, passed over the Rainbow Bridge after a lymphoma operation. She had a lymphoma removed (fatty tissue) in December 97, which returned in June. I decided to have the lump removed while she was fit and healthy. The operation went well, however she had problems metabolising the anaesthetic afterwards and passed over aged only 19mths. )-:
Back of Flauwere Flauwere - R.I.P. (?)1996 to 8th September 1998. Camera-shy Flauwere joined our family on Tuesday 30th September, 1997, after being found on the street. She was very malnourished, causing her fur to fall out, and had glaucoma in one eye. She then went blind in both eyes, but it didn't slow her down that much. After being sick with various problems for 6 mths, she developed an aggressive facial tumour. After 4 wks of bathing the absesses on her face, applying ointment, and hand feeding her baby food, the tumour began to grow behind her eye. With the advice of my vet, I made the decision to help her over to the Rainbow Bridge. She had been a very brave fighter, and was always grateful right up to the end. I miss my little petal, yet I know her time was overdue. She lived to around 3 1/2 yrs. )-:

If your confused about what bedding material to use for your darling rats, try my page devoted to Australian Rat Bedding Materials.

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Inky and Pinky's Choice Award Nuutti's Award for Rat Site Excellence

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-----( )8> Bramble & Pumpkin, Oreo, and Muffin.
-----( )8> Fran & Marian's Ratties on the Run!
-----( )8> New South Wales Fancy Rat & Mouse Club. (NSWFRMC)
-----( )8> Inky and Pinky

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