flora - 11/14/00 19:46:05 My URL:http://fly.to/flora80 My Email:fleurette80@hotmail.com Country: indonesia University: binus | Comments: hehehehehe... akhirnya gue ngisi ini juga ya, blom liat2x sih, tapi kata temen gue ok :) |
Dede Hanhan - 09/24/00 03:09:59 My Email:silvie_888@yahoo.com Country: Malaysia University: Nilai College | Comments: Ko... web koko bagus juga tuhh yah dede juga mau buat dong gimana caranya yah nanti koko ajarin dede yah byeeeee,,,,, |
flora - 09/07/00 04:23:45 My URL:http://www.fly.to/flora80 My Email:fleurette80@hotmail.com Country: id University: binus | Comments: uhmmm.....kapn2x mampir ke hp gue ya ;) |
- 10/12/99 11:29:30 | Comments: |
Jose Nunes - 10/12/99 11:29:19 My URL:http://www.rsp.pt My Email:mail@rsp.pt Country: Portugal | Comments: |
Lydia, Xiao Wen - 08/26/99 13:51:48 My Email:thersa@hotmail.com Country: Singapore | Comments: Hi~ Told U that I will visit ur webpage~ ^_^ Good job!!! Keep it up!!! At least U have a webpage and I dun!!! :Þ Keep it up!!! Good luck in watever U do and take care!!! *Hugs* |
mihnea - 06/11/99 07:32:32 My Email:mihnea@mail.lphilc.sfos.ro Country: Romania University: CNILC | Comments: |
- 03/15/99 18:39:00 My Email:SEMI@DOLFIJN.NL | Comments: |
otto muñoz - 02/19/99 23:23:28 My Email:ottomuzfa@mixmail.com Country: colombia University: SUCOLOMBIANA | Comments: |
otto muñoz - 02/19/99 23:22:55 My Email:ottomuzfa@mixmail.com | Comments: |
alice - 11/22/98 16:24:34 My Email:ce_hpt@hotmail.com Country: medan University: microskills | Comments: oi..akhirnya jadi juga wa sign hp loe,,cakep tuh,,,,dasar anak info,,hehhe,,,wa juga mau ar,,,ok deh,,sukses terus,,bye,,,,,,,, |
Tina Potan - 11/03/98 09:45:20 My URL:http://www.mlc.wa.edu.au My Email:cool hommie! Country: Perth University: still in high school! *sigh* | Comments: HaRloooo....a BeRy NiCe HoMmIe!!! PlEaSe PuT Ur oWn PiC, rAtHeR ThAn tHoSe ArT!!! OvErAlL, KeEp Up ThE GoOd WoRk PaL! |
Rudy candra - 10/30/98 10:34:02 My Email:joyzen@yahoo.com Country: medan University: Univ.methodist Ind | Comments: Haloo..! very good... tapi gue gak ngerti..ngeliat picnya jadi tolong diaajarin en tolong bikin hp gue donk oke...tapi hp loe Di...sangat bagus gitu donk baru namanya adek gue, hehehe...seee you... en belajar yang giat biar tambah keren eh pinter GOOD LUCK!!! |
Edi - 10/23/98 05:03:03 My URL:/eureka/office/5213 My Email:blue_djan@yahoo.com Country: Indonesia University: BiNuS | Comments: your homepage is not to bad if any comman you can sent me E-mail bye... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
susie muira - 09/30/98 13:20:52 My Email:susiemuira@yahoo.com Country: Aus University: UNSW | Comments: wah bagus bener hp kamu, sampe tersalut2, ngak percuma dech kul di Binus. Ajarin dong, tapi yang jelek satu, boleh nggak kasih comment, koq kamu nggak taruh foto saya sich didalem, terus di tempat temen2 juga ngak ada nama saya, susie sedih nich :( bye |
Cindy - 09/24/98 09:06:22 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Husni Tanoto - 09/12/98 11:28:26 My Email:tansy@ic-net.com.au Country: Perth University: TAFE | Comments: hai,...gue agak kaget.. gue ini pernah skul di Husni Thamrin kelas smp3 doank dan hp kamu bagus lhooo bikin gue iri (jk) hahahhaha ok deh goodluck |
Sumini Salem - 09/01/98 08:28:09 My URL:http://lion.cs.latrobe.edu.au/~salems My Email:harume@hotmail.com Country: Australia University: La Trobe University | Comments: Hellooo, ur hommie is well done....So ur major is same with me also hehhehe.....u just study it translated into indonesian language..:) Ok, keep it up.....:P |
Rosa - 07/28/98 13:03:11 My Email:hermawati@eudoramail.com Country: Indonesia University: BiNus | Comments: HP eloe bagus sekali lho, ya komposisi warnanya, ya gambarnya, artistik sekali. |
Yana Ong - 07/26/98 15:08:57 My URL:http://tell ya later My Email:y-ong@usa.net Country: LA - USA University: PCC | Comments: Well.. I hevnt finished exploring yet.. but i think i'll like it... it is simple and looks interesting from outside (dats wat counts) eniwei... nice knowin ya... dun bulli me again ar.. or else.. ya know wat =PP so.. c' ya yana |
Ellys - 07/25/98 19:49:56 My Email:rujak77@hotmail.com Country: Oz, Perth University: Uni of Western Australia | Comments: hi.... this is a nice and simple hommie. But your picture is so small. That's all I want to comment. All the best for you. |
wiwiek - 07/17/98 20:51:44 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/vienna/1821 My Email:wiwiek_w@yahoo.com Country: aussie University: RMIT | Comments: well why just the sign guess boook only I think I might came here again later |
Henny Leonardi - 07/17/98 19:45:20 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/3813/henny.html My Email:l3ony@quackquack.com Country: USA (San Francisco) University: Academy of Art College | Comments: whuaaaa,...keren loh homepage nya. Gua sampe tercengang,...yahhh anak computer sih :P Very creative ama artisitic deh nih hp,...trus gua demen musicnya itu loh,..mysterious bgt,..ding,..ding ...dangg...dingg o/~ hahahahha.....yah keep up the good work!!! Ciaoooo |
-Suguanis Nurmala- - 07/13/98 23:06:13 My Email:X98Suguanis@wmich.edu Country: U.S.A University: Western Michigan University | Comments: Wow ... That is cool. |
Susan Lo - 07/12/98 09:41:30 My Email:smlo@uci.edu Country: United States University: University of California of Irvine | Comments: Hi Chang! I just wanted to comment how cool your homepage is. It is the most creative homepage I've ever seen. Hey where did you get the graphics from in your art gallery? Did you make it? Or did you get it off from the web? Could you tell me where u got it or how made it? I'm trying to make my homepage now. Thanks. Susan IRC nick: susie20 |
apink - 07/11/98 19:42:57 My Email:apinky@hotmail.com Country: indonesia University: tafe | Comments: kk tampanggnyaaa lucuuuuu dehhhh tapiiiii cakepp jugaa oiiiiiii cieeeee tapii kk jgn gr yaaaaaaa krn kalo gr ntar kk kegdean dehh pdnya hahahhaha ya udah dehh k sampe nanti yaaaaa email2x dd yaaaa jgn lupa donkkk ama dd mu yg cute ini ahhahahahhaha ok deh k daaagaggg kk God blees u dr dd apink manisssssssssssssss kaya gula kali manis hahahahahhah dagg kk dd apink.....:)))) |
Linda - 07/10/98 13:59:34 My Email:jilliecang@hotmail.com Country: Malaysia University: KDU | Comments: Hi Di... kayaknya ngak perlu comment. Ngak tau bakalan elo baca ngak. Miss U My Bestfriend My Brother |
Katie Lie - 07/06/98 17:54:03 My Email:malibu888@hotmail.com Country: Australia University: RMIt | Comments: Nice HomePage:))... Well constructed and enjoy it.:o |
Ivonne Karuniaty - 07/06/98 08:57:47 My Email:plijaya@indosat.net.id Country: Indonesia University: SMU Sutomo1 | Comments: |
Ellis Young - 07/05/98 18:45:58 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/8078 My Email:ellis_young@mailcity.com Country: indo University: pcu | Comments: Baru buat nih HP nya??? Gue masuk nya susah banget But design nya bagus, gue suka tuh yg gambar bumi Cool :) |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
tonny ( firehouse ) - 06/25/98 22:00:32 Country: melb University: latrobe university | Comments: hheehehehh gue temennya ermin,yach satu kampung lahhh keren banget hp lu..hehehehehh bagi donk biar bisa download softwarenya? becanda.... yach udah deh salam kenal.. kirim salam buat room mate lu yach oke cu caoooooooooooooo |
JULY "KATE" - 06/20/98 09:46:08 My URL:http://????? My Email:COKESUKI@HOTMAIL.COM Country: MEDAN-INDONESIA | Comments: ALWAYS CUTEEEEEE,SMILE AND HAPPY |
KATE - 06/20/98 09:33:08 My URL:http://??? My Email:COKESUKI@HOTMAIL.COM Country: INDONESIA University: ????? | Comments: NO COMMENTS |
Nelly "Allycia" Salim - 06/13/98 08:51:44 My Email:salim81@indosat.net.id & nukebaby@rocketmail.com Country: Medan-Indonesia University: Sutomo1 (school) | Comments: CoOL ..eH? |
Shirley - 05/12/98 14:03:39 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/1285 My Email:shirley-sutantio@rocketmail.com Country: Australia University: UTS | Comments: Great design.... I like the colour Cool Homepage.... |
lilysan - 04/23/98 16:49:32 My Email:lilysan91@hotmail.com | Comments: bagus deh hasil kerja kamu... designnya kerennnnnn bener.. |
The V - 04/17/98 07:43:52 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/Metro/1102 My Email:changzen@yahoo.com Country: Earth University: Earth | Comments: Nice Site ! |