Hello I am Gus and I welcome you to my humble abode.

If you want to reach me online my ICQ# is 735434

Or you can page me online at My World Wide Pager

If you don't have ICQ then click the icon to download it

Last year I found the coolest thng in the world it's called mixman. With it you create your own rave music from a selection of beats. If you are into the rave scene or if you just like to make music than go to...

I am the world biggest B-Boys!!! I have all the albums and I pretty much know every song. I have some b-boys midis at myMidi page If you want to see a whole lot of pics, info, tour dates, anything, they even have all of the B-boys song lyrics for you to print up, then

Go to Grandroyal

If you want to see all the characters from beastwars,theories on the new season, linx, a bit of news and to join my world champion list then come check out my BeastWars page

If you like this site then you will love the cool sites that my friends have. Check them out!!!

S.U page My school's Student Union page
Jeff's Homepage My friend's political homepage
Mike's HomepageAnother one of my friends really cool homepages
Blaine's PageYet another friend of mine's hompage
Pappy's Page A really cool page from a really good friend of mine
Scott's page A part of a potilical web

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