When ElfQuest was first created, Wendy had animation in mind. ElfQuest was created to be an animated film, and now, it's gonna be one!
Since the '80s Wendy and Richard have been TRYING to find a way to bring ElfQuest to the silver screen. "Oh happy, happy, joy, joy! A movieQuest!" Anyhow, they have had lots of offers for it, but all the different studios, directors, whatever, had one thing in common. They wanted Wendy and Richard to hand ElfQuest over to them, and they would take it from there. But Wendy and Richard wanted to be close to the making of the film, and it's a good thing to, becuase I trust no one but Wendy (and Lorraine Reyes... she's earned my trust with the Wild Hunt!) to draw the elves right! Nelvana even wanted to do it live action! Now wouldn't THAT be interesting!
But now, Wendy and Richard have finally signed a deal with Edward Pressman Films, the people who've made things like, "The Crow," and "Judge Dredd." Currently, they have aquired half of the funding from overseas. They are also trying to decide on an animation studio, last I heard. Recently, Wolfmill productions has gotten the rights to the ElfQuest movie. But to tell the truth, I'm actually not quite sure what that means for ElfQuest! I THINK that now Wolfmill can basically do anything with EQ that they want, but that might not be so great. Do YOU really want ElfQuest barbie dolls? Personally, I'd rather not see it trivialized like that.
WARP is very reluctant to let anything about the plot of the film out, as they want to make sure no sensitive information about the movie is released before the movie itself. I can't blame them, but that doesn't mean I'm not pulling my hair out in frustration over trying to figure things out about it!
In case you're like me, desperate for info on the movie, and think you can go to the Edward Pressman Films Page and find out stuff about it, don't bother. There is nothing there yet, except for a brief mention of working on movies that are already comics, in the "Top Dollar Comics" part. I emailed them about it, and they still haven't answered, and I doubt they ever will!

It's torture trying to figure out what the plot may be! I've gone through the entire movie section in the official Website at least 10 times, then burned the midnight oil reading the movie parts in the BIG ElfQuest Gatherum, and still I'm pretty clueless! I've pored over every ElfQuest resource currently available (almost every) trying to find hints and bits, much the same as I have to try and figure out who the mysterious Master of the Palace is. (MY personal theory is that they made it look and sound like Cutter to make people think "No way, it couldn't be Cutter, that's to obvious!", when it really is! Anyhow, that a different story) Infact, my midnight oil is beggining to run out!
But anyhow, Everything I have personally discovered is the following. The movie will focus on the love triangle between Cutter, Leetah and Rayek, combining elements from the first 4 graphic novels and Kings of the Broken Wheel. However it is not totaly set on the story as it happens in the comic, and has some new things. There might be some "what ifs" like "what if Picknose crossed the desert with the Wolfriders?" The story is very mystic, and Timmain is a big part of that. It'll probably be rated PG or Pg-13, and thats mostly it. Pretty vauge huh? Thats what I thought. Like I said, I'm pulling my hair out over this! However Wendy and Richard are in the right for keeping everything very hush hush, as I wold be upset if I knew TOO much about the movie before it comes out, but I'd like to kow SOMETHING!
I emailed the ElfQuest people, asking when previews may be coming out, and their answer was this. "
Soon as we have information that we can make public. I'm sorry that's not a
more concrete answer, but it's what we have." Well, it's not a very concrete answer, but thats okay, I'll just go pull out somemore of my hair. When you go to see the movie (When it finally comes out, which may be this (1998) summer!) look for me. I'll be the bald one.......
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