The Earth 2:Eden Advance P. O. Box and Newsletter
For offline Earth 2 fans, we at E2:EA have a snail mail address. If you want more information about the various E2:EA activities, send an SASE to:
Earth 2:Eden Advance
P. O. Box 1206
Taylor, MI 48180-5606
E2:EA has an offline newsletter, the Eden Advance Chronicle. Devoted to Earth 2 and its fans, the EAC is published bi-monthly. The Fan-Fiction Supplement is published quarterly.
Annual Subscription:
US$16 for 12 newsletters and 4 fan-fiction supplements
(Sorry, orders cannot be placed for one or the other due to mailing logistics)
Send your name, snail mail address, and a check or money order in US Dollars Only payable to Earth2:Eden Advance to:
Earth2:Eden Advance
P. O. Box 1206
Taylor, MI 48180-5606
ATTN: EAC Subscription
If you have any questions or comments about the newsletter, please feel free to contact the EAC editors at

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