The Earth 2 Picture Gallery
What would an Earth 2 site be without pictures? Well, I don't want to find out . . . so this is where you find my favorites! First of all, I must confess that I didn't include any from the show. I don't have any that aren't on other sites. Check out my Links page for sites that have Earth 2 pictures. However, I did try something different. I've included some of my favorites pics from New PacifiCon '96, the first fan-run Earth 2 convention; MorganCon '96, my first Earth 2 "gathering (MorganCon '97 pics will be added at a later date); and EvacPodCon '97, a recent gathering in New Mexico where seven Edenites "made our pilgrammage to Mecca".
Pictures from New PacifiCon '96
Pictures from MorganCon '96
Pictures from EvacPodCon '97
The above links contain pictures of the cast, crew, and fans of Earth 2 taken at New PacifiCon '96, and other Earth 2 gatherings. Some are my own and some were graciously given to me by my fellow Edenites. You are welcome to download these pictures for your own personal use and enjoyment. However, if you want to use them for any other purpose or if you see yourself in any of these pictures and do not want it online, please contact me at maryb@mitretek.org.

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