Earth 2 Fanzines
Certain television shows of most any genre will pique the imagination of its fans. Nowhere is this more true that in the science fiction genre. The unique blend of alien and familiar characters in a setting frequently out of our earth-bound reach ignites our imagination and stimulates a creativity that is as diverse as the show itself. Whether it's a desire to explore areas that the show leaves out, indulge in a personal fantasy, or continue a journey prematurely ended, the result is a phenomena known as fan fiction . . . stories written by the fans for the fans.
Earth 2 is no exception. Even before the show was cancelled and we were left to continue the journey on our own, we were writing. We were writing stories filled with adventure, romance, humor, and drama . . . just like the show that inspired us. Some of these stories have been compiled into fanzines, anthologies of some of the best fan-fiction ever written.
Now Available
May The Journey Continue . . . The Official New PacifiCon '98 Fanzine
Coming out in December 1997, this fanzine will include a mix of never-before-published stories featuring all the E2 characters. Popular E2 fan fiction writers contributing to this fanzine include Lia Faile, Vicky Nickerson, Debra Wilson, and Ann Brill White.
For information about purchasing this fanzine, please visit the "Conzine" Website.
Eden Project (1)
Edited by Ann Brill White, Eden Project (1) features stories and poems by a variety of talented writers including Ann, Tara O'Shea, Rosa Moran, Paula Sanders, and Debra Wilson. Highlighting the stories is artwork by Ona Sostakas and Sue Cotton. The end result is a fine mix of stories featuring each character from Earth 2.
For information about purchasing this fanzine, please contact Ann Brill White or see her website at Eden Project (1).
In the Heart of Eden
Edited by Gina Alkazian and Beth Blighton In the Heart of Eden centers on the character of John Danziger. Featuring stories written by Gina and Beth and artwork by Beth and Barb Gipson, this fanzine is sure to stop the heart of every "Danz" fan.
Warning: In the Heart of Eden is an adult-oriented fanzine and will not be sold to anyone under the age of 18.
For information about purchasing this fanzine, please contact Beth Blighton.
Edited and written by Beth Blighton, Skippery-Boo is a story told by John Danziger to Uly and True while sitting around the campfire. With artwork by Beth and Barb Gipson, it is a fantasy sure to please children of all ages.
For information about purchasing this story, please contact Beth Blighton.
Coming Attractions
Eden Project (2)
Ann Brill White has informed me that she will be editing the next edition of her fanzine, a follow-up to the successful Eden Project (1). Publication will be in 1998. For more information, please contact Ann Brill White or see her website at Eden Project (1).
Reilly's Seven
Lisa Ingram has informed me that she will be editing a new fanzine that will come out in 1998. Lisa was a contributor to 1996's The Trading Post: Tales from G889. Lisa is in the process of moving at this time. Contact information will be posted as soon as it is available.

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