"Advertising" Earth 2: Its Fandom and Events
Earth 2 acquired a loyal cadre of fans during its brief run on network television. Some fans saw the handwriting on the wall early. They quickly surmised that E2's low ratings were a result of faulty promotion by Universal Studio and Amblin' Entertainment and constant pre-emptions and lack of interest by NBC. Something had to be done and quickly. The letter writing began. We were heard but not listened to. We got two episodes that NBC wasn't originally going to air, but we didn't get a second season. Devon was left in cold sleep, Eden Advance was left wandering G889, and we were left without Earth 2.
But it didn't end there.
We were not about to give up the fight. We took out a full-page ad in Daily Variety. Fans everywhere pooled their money together and paid for an ad that only major studios usually can afford. Studio executives readVariety. And they saw our ad.
We commissioned a plane to fly over the 1995 Emmy Award site towing a banner that read "May the Journey Continue . . . Earth 2". Studio executives from NBC, Amblin' Entertainment, and Universal Studio were there. And they saw our banner.
We hosted the first ever Earth 2 convention. Fiften members of the cast and crew were in attendance. And those very same executives knew about it.
Earth 2 LIVES.....
But only in our hearts and minds . . . not on television.
But we haven't given up . . . and you can help.
With each day that goes by, Earth 2 fades a little more from the memories of the studio executives. Unless we keep reminding them that we want the journey to continue, it will continue to fade until it's gone forever. We must write and let them know that we want Earth 2 back. It can be done. Mr. Paulo de Oliveira, Vice President of Creative Affairs at MCA Television Entertainment, Inc., has said that the time may be right one day for an Earth 2 TV movie. But we won't get it unless we write and keep reminding them that we want it. So, write a letter today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. TODAY. Write every chance you get and write to everyone you can think of. To help you get started, write a letter today to the following people:
Ron Meyer
100 Universal City Plaza
Building 500-12
Universal City, CA 91608
Mr. Paulo de Oliveira
Vice President Creative Affairs
MCA Television Entertainment, Inc.
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
Steven Spielberg
Dreamworks SKG
100 Universal City Plaza
Lakeside Building #601
Universal City, CA 91608
Tell them who you are and why you want Earth 2 back on the air. Handwrite your letter; do not type. Studios do not like letters that look like "form letters". Do not put anything about Earth 2 on the envelope. It will be ignored. When you hear back, write another letter thanking them for their interest. Keep writing. Don't worry about becoming a nuisance. You want to be a nuisance; that's the only way to keep Earth 2 from becoming a distant memory.
But wait . . . there's more . . .
Universal is considering doing more Earth 2 books but won't unless they think it will be worthwhile. Send your letter requesting more Earth 2 novelizations to the following address:
Lisa Crane, Vice President
Specialty Licensing and Animation Art
Universal City Plaza
Building 447, 2nd Floor
Universal City, CA 91608
Write a letter to MCA Records to let them know there is a market out here for the Earth 2 soundtrack:
Attn: Soundtracks
Universal City Plaza
Building 508, 3rd Floor
Universal City, CA 91608
Talk up Earth 2 with everyone you meet. Wear your E2 t-shirts as often as you can. You'd be surprised at how often that starts up a conversation. Make business cards with information on how to contact other E2 fans and pass them around whenever you can. Use your imagination. No idea is too small if it continues to promote Earth 2.

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