Title: The Room Where I Died - A Favor for Scully V
Author: Renee Lewis
Email: rlewis@netcom.ca
Rating: PG - back to the stuff that's okay for kiddies too.
Category: SRA, MSR,
Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance, ScullyAngst, Babyfic
Spoilers: The Field Where I Died (I'm lost in season 4 here, so
I'm pretty sure it's safe for everyone)
Archive? Yes - drop me a line if you get a chance. I'd like to
check out your site.
Feedback? You're joking right? Please, I live for it.
Summary: Scully deals with the events of the episode. The fifth
story in the Favor for Scully series.
Disclaimer: The plot and ideas here belong to Chris Carter and the
folks at 1013. I must agree with many other authors out there and
contend that Mulder and Scully belong to DD and GA respectively. The
show wouldn't exist without their excellent portrayals. The song
"Have a Little Faith in Me" belongs to Jewel and is part of the
Phenomenon soundtrack.
Authors Notes: Okay, here we go again. I'm enjoying myself in this
little universe too much to let go now. I think this story is unique
to fanfic in that I'm taking my 'Alternate Universe' story line and
allowing it to crisscross with the timeline in Season 4. "The Field
Where I Died" actually aired on November 3, but I'm playing around
with that date purely for entertainment purposes. I feel rather
justified in doing so as CC frequently airs episodes out of order,
and episodes often feature dates that are not coincident with their
air date. At any rate, my research has not turned up any specific
date in reference to this ep, other than the air date. By the way,
this by no means indicates that any of the previous or later episodes
in Season 4 have occurred in my universe - this is just an
intersection point between mine and CC's. Hope you enjoy this as much
as I have enjoyed writing it. Now, on with the show.
December 4, 1996
1:54 PM
Mulder/Scully Residence
Georgetown, VA
14 Weeks
Scully stormed through the front door, dragging her suitcase
behind her. She imagined that steam was rising off her in waves as
the fury built within her. It was only further aggravated by the
obstacle course that was currently occupying her living room. Boxes
sat unpacked over most of the available floor space.
Mulder watched as Scully marched ahead of him, headed straight for
the stairs leading to the second floor. "Scully. Scully, wait." He
reached an arm out to halt her progress.
"What do you want, Mulder?"
Mulder paused. He didn't know what he wanted. He wanted Scully to
stop being angry with him, but he couldn't tell her that and he
didn't know what to do about it without asking her. "Let me help you
with that."
She took a deep breath and continued to glare at him for several
moments. "I don't need your help. You just take care of your own
things, you're pretty good at that."
Scully turned on her heel to leave, when Mulder spoke again. "Is
this about Melissa? If it is, I'm..."
"You're what Mulder? You're sorry. Is that what you're going to
say. What would you have said if you'd been hurt, or worse? I don't
think 'sorry' is going to cut it here Mulder. I don't know what
She continued her journey upstairs, the suitcase bumping painfully
against her leg and each stair. She dropped it at the entrance to the
bedroom (*their* bedroom), she corrected mentally. She immediately
kicked off her shoes and began undressing. Once clad in tights and a
sweatshirt, she felt a little better.
(I'm going to need some new clothes soon,) she thought
distractedly. As if their most recent case hadn't been bad enough,
every single pair of pants she owned were almost painfully tight on
her now-expanding waist. She laid back on the bed and rubbed her
stomach idly. (That certainly isn't very good for you.)
Her eyes roamed about the room. They had only moved into the
townhouse the past weekend, and spent more nights in a motel room
than here. She looked at the mixture of their things, his life mixing
with hers. She was lying on *their* bed. In reality it was hers, but
they had shared it too many times in the recent past for her to lay
claim to it any longer.
She felt the anger bubbling inside her again. This was not going
to work. She needed a peaceful place to think. A place that was hers,
or at least not his.
She stood and retrieved a quilt her mother had given her, wrapping
it around herself to ward off the chill that seemed to have settled
into her bones. While doing so, she noticed the picture tossed
carelessly on the dresser. It was a picture of the two of them
together. Her friend Lisa had sent the photo, snapped by a
photographer roaming around the wedding reception that night
seemingly many lifetimes in the past.
She picked it up and admired it for a second. They had actually
stopped what they were doing and looked at the camera. Mulder was
standing behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist, hers wrapped
over his. They were both smiling and she was leaning into his embrace
and his head was lowered and forward so that their faces were almost
side by side. They looked so happy and so *right*, like they belonged
"Sergeant. Great. Wonderful." She wasn't exactly yelling, but she
wasn't being quiet either. She threw the picture back on the dresser
and stormed out of the room, halting once she was in the hallway. She
didn't know where to go. She couldn't go to work, that was more his
domain than hers. She didn't want to go to her mother's. She wanted
to go back to her old apartment - that was all hers.
About to sit down in the hallway where she stood, she spied the
door at the other end of the hallway. She opened the door to the
small room, walked in and closed it behind her. This was the baby's
room, or it would be once they had gotten around to buying all the
things they needed for it. As it was right now, it was completely
bare- a bare hardwood floor with bare, white walls and bare
(Well, it's not mine, but it's not Mulder's either.) She slumped
to the floor leaning her back against the wall. She could hear him
downstairs, making Mulder noises, opening the fridge door, moving
things around, maybe even unpacking a couple of boxes. Well, she
couldn't get rid of him completely, but at least he had the good
sense to not come up to the second floor.
(Not that good sense and Mulder usually go hand in hand.) Scully
sighed loudly, her sigh echoing in the empty room. She was angry with
Mulder for some of the things he had done. But, once the anger faded,
she was hurt. He had broken her heart and she never imagined, never
suspected that he would.
Mulder was so single-minded when it came to his pursuit of the
truth. She supposed she should've expected it, she should've realized
that he would have dropped everything to find out if there was any
truth behind Melissa's claims. She still couldn't believe that
'everything' included her.
She remembered trying to look into Mulder's eyes after Melissa
claimed that she was his soulmate. He wouldn't look at her. He was
completely entranced with Melissa - his soulmate for every life he
had lived before this one, and every life after. She had said that
they were only destined to meet in passing this time, but Mulder
seemed to want more.
A single tear escaped from her eyes, unshed tears clouded her
vision and she closed her eyes against them. She didn't know if she
believed any of this. She had believed, before that field, before
that room, that she and Mulder were soulmates - meant for each other,
complementing the other completely.
Now, she didn't know what she believed. She still loved Mulder,
with all her heart. She loved him enough to show him those pictures -
the proof that validated his theory. But could she still believe that
they were soulmates when he didn't. He believed his soulmate had
already passed on and was waiting for him in the next life.
Footsteps on the stairs interrupted her thoughts, and Scully
quickly wiped her face with the edge of her sleeve. After several
minutes, the door opened.
"Scully? What are you doing in here?" Mulder looked confused as he
crouched down before her.
"I was trying to be alone." She refused to meet his eyes.
"Scully, please. We need to talk. This isn't going to get better
if we don't."
"I'm not ready to talk to you Mulder. I don't want to talk to you
Mulder. Therefore, *we* are not going to talk. Now, please, leave me
"Okay, for a while. But then we'll talk." His voice was soft in
stark contrast to the harshness of hers. He reached a hand out to
grasp hers, but stopped just short of contact with her. It stayed
there a minute, hovering just above her clasped-together hands. He
withdrew it, never touching her and left the room quietly.
Scully shifted on the floor. Despite the quiet offered by the
nursery, it lacked any measure of physical comfort. Finally, she lay
on her back, staring at the ceiling, her mother's quilt pillowing her
head. The room was slowly growing dark as the light from outside
faded. Her hand strayed once again to her belly, caressing it slowly.
Her thoughts turned back to the room, that night when she had
She was his father, his sergeant, an important person in his life.
But Melissa, Melissa was his soulmate. He had declared it that night.
She could still hear his voice, breaking as he began to cry. "But
love... love... souls mate eternal... my... husband is taken away
from me. To the camps. He is Melissa. We're always taken away."
Tears formed in her eyes as she replayed their later conversation.
Mulder had asked her: "Dana, if, um... early in the four years we've
been working together... an event occurred that suggested or somebody
told you that... we'd been friends together in other lifetimes...
always... wouldn't it have changed some of the ways we looked at one
She hadn't known how to respond to that, especially considering
they weren't currently in a 'friendship' type of relationship. Did he
regret that they had become lovers - that they were now about to be
parents - linked together for the remainder of this life? Maybe he
felt as if he had sold out on his soulmate and lost his chance with
(Not that he hadn't tried to remedy that situation.) Scully
grimaced inwardly. She still wondered what would have happened, where
they would be right now, had Melissa survived. She honestly didn't
She could hear him banging around beneath her again. They
shouldn't have moved into this place so soon. She remembered arguing
that neither of their apartments would be suitable for them to move
into and they had begun their search for a larger place. This
townhouse was perfect. It had two bedrooms, a room that could serve
as an office and a deck that led to a small backyard, in addition to
all the usual perks. The rent was reasonable - more than either of
them paid alone, but substantially less than their combined rents.
They hadn't been prepared to move so quickly, but the landlord had
insisted, threatening to rent to other tenants should they choose to
She sighed as she heard the front door close. Mulder had left her
again. Never mind that she had asked him to, well actually, ordered
him. She already felt deserted by him.
(How have I come to this point? Where did I go wrong? I was not
supposed to end up a single mother - alone because the father - my
lover - didn't love me anymore. Instead he loves a woman he doesn't
know, a woman who is already dead.)
New tears fell from her eyes. She thought of her friends from
college and what they would think of her situation now. It was their
opinions that caused her to go to Mulder in the first place. Less
than a week ago, she was thankful for the results of that ruse. Now
she wasn't so sure.
Exhausted from her emotional turmoil and from the trials of the
case, she allowed her eyes to close, welcoming the darkness in hopes
of a dreamless slumber.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Mulder sat next to Scully's sleeping form. She lay on her back,
head tilted slightly to the side where he sat. The marks from her
earlier tears had faded to the point where they were almost
invisible. He wasn't certain how long she had been sleeping, but he'd
only been gone a little over an hour. He wanted to pick her up and
carry her to bed, so she could sleep more comfortably. He knew,
however, that this would awaken her and he was quite certain it would
anger her all over again.
Sliding a gentle hand over her flaming tresses, he leaned down to
kiss her temple. She stirred slightly and then slowly opened her
eyes. His voice when he greeted her was low and it reminded her of
the many beautiful words he had spoken to her with the same
"Hey yourself." She replied, struggling upright. Her muscles
showing their disapproval of her resting spot. Mulder helped her rise
until she sat completely upright. Moving behind her, he began to
slowly massage the muscles across her shoulders and neck.
"Why don't you let me bring you to bed?"
The concern in his voice softened her heart further. "I'm okay
Mulder. I just needed a little nap, that's all."
"You know, there's a perfectly good bed down the hall. I think
it's a little early for the baby to be sleeping in the nursery."
She smiled at the remark, but remained silent.
Several minutes passed when Mulder moved to sit in front of her.
They sat facing each other, both sitting Indian style, Mulder holding
her clasped hands in both of his. The silence was interrupted as they
both spoke the other's name.
His mouth twisted in a slight smile. "I need to speak first
Scully. I'm sorry. I was a complete ass. I got totally absorbed in
this - in that - whole thing that I completely ignored... well, I
just didn't think. I'm sorry for that."
"Mulder, I know you're sorry, but I don't know if it's
"Wait, Scully. Let me finish. I was so fascinated with the
possibility that I had met Melissa in another life, and recognized
her in this life, that I didn't think through my actions. I was so
caught up in the saga of the two soulmates who were eternally ripped
apart that I wanted to save them. I believed that I could end the
"Do you still believe that now?" Scully's voice was barely a
whisper in the silent room.
"Do I believe what - in the saga - in the cycle - that I can stop
it? Do I believe that she is my soulmate?"
Scully looked at him expectantly, her heart balanced on his
"No. I don't think she is my soulmate. If she were, why did she
play such an insignificant part in my life, in this life? I believe I
may have known and loved her in a previous life. You proved as much
to me with those pictures.
"No, I don't believe she is my soulmate, Scully. I believe you
are. I believe that we have been cultivating this relationship over
lifetimes. You have always been an important part of my lives, and
you have grown closer with each lifetime. First you were my sergeant,
than my father and now, well now you are my everything. We can't get
any closer than this Scully. I believe that now our souls will be
mated eternally.
"They say that love based on friendship is the strongest. Ours is
a love based on friendships that have spanned lifetimes, so it will
last lifetimes. At least that is what I believe. I'm sorry that I got
lead astray. I'm sorry I hurt you and I want to make it better, but I
don't know how."
Scully gazed into the endless depths of his eyes and felt her
heart screaming: 'HE LOVES ME!" She couldn't let go of the anger
though, and the fear she felt as she watched him walk willingly to
what she thought would amount to his death.
"Mulder, what you did yesterday was more than foolish and
impulsive. It was irresponsible. You could've died and you could've
easily prevented that risk. You have more than yourself to think
about now. You need to realize that there are consequences to your
actions and those consequences not only affect you, but me and this
"Scully, don't you think I realize that? Don't you think I've been
kicking myself over what I did? I know that I would be furious if you
put yourself needlessly at risk. I know I was stupid and I haven't
forgiven myself for doing it. I don't know what I would do if I lost
you Scully. I don't even want to think about it, but I'm forcing
myself to - so I will remember the next time a dumb idea drops itself
into my head. I can't guarantee anything, but I can promise you that
I will *try* to not be so impulsive. But you have to promise to kick
me in the ass if I start to be too obsessed. Okay?"
She nodded her head in agreement and unclasped her hands so she
could hold his. They held hands for only a moment, when he broke the
contact to pull her into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her
tightly. She nuzzled her head against his neck, pressing a kiss
against his collarbone.
They sat together until their muscles grew stiff. Mulder stirred,
causing Scully to look up at him. His voice was husky when he spoke
and he seemed hesitant, almost nervous.
"Scully, come downstairs with me. I uh... want you to come
downstairs and dance with me."
A single eyebrow arched high on her forehead. "Dance with you,
Agent Mulder?"
"Yeah. I think we should christen our new place." He laughed a
"I thought we already did that, our first night here."
"I mean *christen* it with a dance. You have a dirty mind,
Scully looked at him questioningly. "We never danced in any of our
other places, why now?"
Mulder let out an exasperated sigh. "Because I'm trying to be
romantic. Because there's a song I want you to hear. Why do you have
to analyze everything?"
She smiled at his frustration. "Okay, Mulder. Take me to your
dance floor."
Once downstairs, Scully realized that Mulder had indeed cleared
enough space in the living room for them to dance. While he loaded
the CD into the stereo, she picked up the case and scanned the
titles, trying to guess which song he was about to play. Before she
had figured it out, he took the case from her hand and pulled her
into his arms. The first strains of a guitar began to play from the
A woman's voice, soft and haunting began to fill the room:
When the road gets dark
And you can no longer see
Just let my love throw a spark baby
Have a little faith in me
When the tears you cry
Oh you can't believe
Just give these loving arms a try baby
Have a little faith in me
Scully rested her head against his chest, one arm wrapped tightly
around his waist. Her other hand was held in his, both close to his
heart. His arm was wrapped around her upper back and they swayed
gently to the beat of the music.
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
When your secret heart
Cannot speak so easily
Come here darling, from a whisper start
Have a little faith in me
When your back's against the wall
Just turn around you will see
I will catch you, I will catch your fall
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me
The woman's voice continued, stronger now and more desperate.
Emotions screaming louder than her words ever could.
I've been in love with you
For such a long, long time baby
I expect nothing in return
But just for you to have a little faith in me
They say time, time is friend
When you have me, and there is no one
All you gotta do is have a little faith in me
I said I'm holding on, I'm holding on
Strength little darling, have a little faith in me
Hey baby, oh baby oh,
All you gotta do is have a little faith in me
Oh, all you gotta do is have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me.
The song ended in a flurry of strings and then silence filled the
room once again. Scully looked up at Mulder and found he was looking
down at her.
"It's beautiful. Who sings it? I mean, the voice sounds familiar,
but I can't place it."
He smiled at her. "Jewel." When recognition failed to register on
her face, he continued. "She was singing in that bar in San
"Hey Scully, I don't want to sound corny, but... do you think that
you can put your faith in me? Forever?"
She smiled at him. "Of course Mulder. I have, for a long time
Mulder's smile faltered and his eyes searched the floor at their
feet. He almost lost his nerve until he felt Scully's arm tighten
about his waist. He pulled away and looked into her eyes.
"Uhmm... that's not exactly what I meant Scully. I mean, will you
put your faith in me and marry me?"
Shock registered across her face and then it broke into a huge
smile, reaching all the way to her eyes.
"Is that a 'yes'?"
"Of course it's a 'yes'." She threw her arms around him.
"Oh shit," he mumbled. "I did it wrong."
"What do you mean 'you did it wrong' Mulder? You didn't do
anything wrong. It was perfect."
"No, no. I forgot something. Stay right here." With that, he
dashed up the stairs, leaving Scully standing in the middle of the
living room in wonder. She heard him moving around in the bedroom,
slamming drawers. Finally after several minutes, he returned, a small
velvet box in his hand.
She felt tears spring to her eyes. He handed her the box and
before she could open it, he covered it with his hand.
"It's not typical of what you'd expect to find in there."
Scully contemplated his warning and steeled herself against what
she might find inside. Images of plastic rings with alien heads
flashed in her mind. When she finally opened the box, the ring it
held caused her breath to catch in her throat.
"It's beautiful" was all she could whisper. It was. A deep blue
stone sat framed by ribbons of gold twisting around it in an
antique-looking, ornate design. The stone caught the light, causing
white lines to dance across its surface in a six-sided star
"You like it?" She responded with the nod of her head. "It's a
star-sapphire. I hoped you would like it."
He took the ring from the box and grasped her left hand, sliding
the ring to its proper place on her hand. She was surprised that it
fit so perfectly. He had obviously thought about this in advance,
although she wasn't sure how he managed to get the right size. She
didn't care. He loved her and was going to marry her and she was the
happiest woman on the planet.
She held her hand at arms' length and admired it. Mulder watched
her, sure that he had made the right choice. He wondered if she saw
the ring as he did, a mixture of the two of them: her eyes the color
of sapphires, his always looking to the stars. He didn't care. She
loved him and was going to marry him and he was the happiest man on
the planet, actually in the universe.
The wedding was small necessarily. They hadn't had much time to
prepare and they didn't have many people they wanted to invite.
Scully's family: her mother, brothers and their wives, had attended,
obviously. They had invited Skinner, and to his credit, he took the
news in stride. Mulder had invited the Lone Gunmen and his mother,
the later left immediately after the ceremony, choosing to not stay
for the dinner afterwards. Scully had invited Lisa, Heather and
Cheryl, partly out of obligation and partly out of thanks. It had
been Lisa's wedding that had pushed them together, after all. Only
Lisa and Heather had come, Cheryl apologizing, citing family
It was to be expected, after all, they had chosen to get married
on Christmas Eve. Well, actually Mulder had chosen the date. His
research had been more extensive than just the perfect ring and size.
He had also found a large cottage on a lake just outside of the
Washington area. The main area had been set up with tables for dinner
and it was from these tables that the guests sat to watch the
Mulder and Scully walked down the aisle together. Her brother Bill
had offered to give Dana away, but she refused. She and Mulder had
traveled this far together, got to this point together and would
continue from here together. They stood before the priest and pledged
their love forever. Behind the priest, framed in glass doors, waves
crashed onto the beach. The fireplace inside kept the cold at
Mulder had worn a black tuxedo and Scully had dressed in a modest,
but becoming, ivory slip dress. Her bare shoulders were covered with
a sheer wrap of the same hue and tiny white flowers danced in the
curls of her hair. They looked beautiful together. After dinner, they
danced to the song Mulder had chosen (this time, not intentionally
for the wedding) and spent the remainder of the evening socializing
and mixing with family and friends.
At midnight, a final toast was made, welcoming Christmas. Mulder
and Scully welcoming the first of many as husband and wife.
Afterwards, everyone retired to their respective cabins (there were
several surrounding the main cottage) while Mulder and Scully spent
the night together in the cottage they were married in: their first
of many nights as husband and wife.
The End.
A Final Note: No, this is not the end of the series. It seems kind
of final, this last part, but that's just the way it worked. And I
know, everyone wants the baby - it's coming. What can I say - except
pregnancies do last *9* months. A lot can happen in that time, but
the baby should be coming in the next couple of installments -
definitely not the next one though. Sorry. Anyway, hope you liked it.
And for those of you who offered input as to how Mulder would propose
- Thanks. I kind of melted them together to make this a unique (I
hope) story, but if you look really close, all the suggestions - or
most of them - are there. Send any and all feedback to