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Deadpool | Zoe

AKA:Wilson, Wade
  • Origin: Wade Wilson was originally a mercenary, but when he discovered he had terminal cancer he joined the Weapons X program with hopes of them curing him. The program cured him of cancer when the chemo- and radiation-therapy couldn't, but not without a cost, his physical appearance. After leaving the program he became the merc, named Deadpool.

  • Powers / Abilities:
    Deadpool possesses a healing factor which is a derivative of Wolverine's. Originally, it was almost as powerful as Wolverine's, but now, it has been reduced in effectiveness, and now cannot regrow lost limbs.

  • Appearances:
    • New Mutants #98
    • Cable #1
    • X-Force #2
    • X-Force #14-15
    • X-Force #21-24
    • 1st Deadpool Limited Series - The Circle Chase
    • Silver Sable #23
    • Secret Defenders #15-17
    • Wolverine #88
    • 2nd Deadpool Limited Series - Sins of the Past
    • X-Force #47
    • X-Force #56
    • Deadpool Ongoing Monthly Series ...

Name:Zoe Culloden

Origin: Nothing is known about the origin of Zoe Culloden. However, we know that she has worked for Landau, Luckman, Lake & Lequare, and now for Landau, Luckman & Lake, in their Fleshwerks department. She has a project involving Deadpool which is reaching fruition in the near future. Her responsability is to guide DeadPool and groom him for his role as the modern-day hero the galaxy will soon require. Zoe has an incredible trust that DeadPool is the chosen one!

Powers / Abilities:
Zoe has now powers of her own that we know of, but at the LL&L Fleshwerks, she utilizes the talent of the seer Montgomery. It seems that Monty can see possible outcomes in the future, and Zoe uses them to keep Wade on track.

  • Appearances:
  • Deadpool #1
  • Deadpool #-1
  • Deadpool #8

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