The symbology of Orion is very present in several ancient belief systems ranging from the Egyptians to the Freemasons. The use of Orion in the NASA logo is only one example of the Orion symbology in our history. Richard Hoagland, former science advisor for CBS anchor Walter Cronkite, and frequent guest on ART BELL's Coast to Coast AM, pointed out this and other examples on his Enterprise Mission website and in several books written by him. Orion has appeared in the layout of the pyramids in Egypt. It has appeared in the structures located in the Cydonia region on Mars near the"Face on Mars".
For several years I was compelled to concentrate on the constellation of Orion because of an incident that took place back in 1985.
The experience occured when I was about twelve years old on a farm in which I lived. There are two houses on the property are located on the lower section of a hill, about 20 feet above the elevation of the road which lies to the east and in front of the houses. To the west is some lowland areas that are filled in and has several buildings that are part of the farm, sitting on top.
On a summer night , I went to feed my dog at about eight o'clock in the evening. The sun was still up in the western sky, just beginning to lower toward the west-northwest while it was setting, the sky was kind of an orangeish-red in the west while it became more blue when a person looked east. The temperature was about seventy-five to eighty degrees and comfortable.
I began walking down from the house toward the barn. The barn has a basement that's built into the enbankment leading to the lowland. Also built into the enbankment is a one-story cement block milkhouse with a green tile roof. Along side this milkhouse is a set of cement steps, with a black railing leading down to the lower ground. It was on this set of steps I had my experience.
I remember walking down the steps, with a full bucket of dog food to feed to the dog when I got to the dog house. The next thing is remember is slowly walking back up the steps, with an empty dog food bucket and with a dizzy and dazed light-headedness feeling. I remember looking back and I saw in the sky three bright white lights side-by-side. In other words, a UFO. The lights slowly faded out to a dull red and then vanished. I also noticed the sun was farther toward the northwest, almost set and the sky was darker. This was obviously an incident of missing time.
Was I abducted? Yes. I was taken aboard a spacecraft of higher intellectual beings and my memory was erased. I had a lot of questions but I never gave any more thought to the experience, but every now and then it would crop up from time to time especially when I glanced at the Orion constellation. The three belt stars constantly reminded me of the UFO, the memories of what I was told came flooding back to me. I remembered one important detail about the beings. They were part of the -- Asar Orion Empire and that they helped found earlier civilizations on this planet like Atlantis. Before this experience, I was never interested very much in science-fiction or even bothered to read many science-fiction books at the time. Therefore anyone trying to debunk this document will always fail.
After reading some books and seeing segments on Unsolved Mysteries in the late eighties and early nineties on the phenomenon of alien abductions and missing time, I've been seeing correlations between my experience and what others have said.
This experience caused me to know things that I, a farm person, shouldn't be able to comprehend. My mind was open to a vast amount of information from the Universe. I began having dreams that would show me an event that happened at least two weeks before it took place, in other words, ESP.
With Orion, I made my own stunning discovery in a connection between and an area of a historical even in our time. I uncovered how the event was laid out, who did it and why. This event took place on November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas, Texas at about 12:32 Central Standard time. I am referring to the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
One night this past month I was outside my house looking into the western sky and I happened to be thinking about the Kennedy assassination from reading Jim Garrison's book"On the Trail of the Assassins." I looked up and got a pretty good view of the constellation of Orion. While I was looking at the constellation, I also happened to be thinking about the assassination and in my minds eye I wondered what would happen if I superimposed the Orion constellation over Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
I began to realize something that every JFK conspiracy buff from Robert Groden(author of"The Killing of a President") to William Cooper(author of"Behold a Pale Horse") to Richard C. Hoagland seemed to have missed but at the same time ties all of their theories together. I used a graphics program on my computer to lay out the constellation of Orion over a drawing of Dealey Plaza and once I was finished I got the shock of my life. I figured out the"how" of JFK assassination. The diagram is included with this report.
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Orion, a constellation of stars in the night sky, consists of seven stars. Three stars in the center of the constellation form a"belt", a small row of stars. Four stars make up the four corners of the Orion constellation.
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Imagine the limousine representing the belt stars of the Orion constellation while the other four stars are moving in conjunction with it. The belt stars of Orion represent John F. Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy and where they were sitting in the back seat.
According to"The Killing of a President" by Robert Groden, Kennedy was sitting toward the middle of the backseat and therefore the middle belt star would represent him. The belt star to the right would represent Jackie. The left star only represented the empty space between the passenger door and JFK.
The Four stars that surround the belt stars served as the key in pointing out the bullet trajectories during the assassination.
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The top-left star of the Orion constellation shows us the bullet trajectory of the shots from the Texas School Book Depository(See map for detail). The Warren Commission and others who promote the"magic bullet theory" would have us believe that the shots came from the 6th story window by the corner of Houston and Elm, but the bullet trajectory points to another part of the 6th floor, towards the middle and Western area.
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It has been speculated by Robert Groden and in the Oliver Stone movie JFK that there were shots that came from the western side of the Book Depository building. There are even pictures in Groden's book showing strange figures milling around the western end of the 6th floor.
If one draws a line from the middle star(Kennedy) of Orion to the top-left star and continues the line to the Book Depository, the end of the line would touch the middle and western end of the 6th floor. This trajectory was responsible for Kennedy's back shot and at least two of the shots that hit Governor Connally, the back shot and the wrist shot. So we now know the official"snipers lair" is a fake and Lee Harvey Oswald was exactly what he said he was, a patsy. That's why I've labeled the official lair as "Patsy's Corner" on the diagram.
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The second bullet trajectory pointed out by Orion comes from the bottom-right star(See map). If one draws a line through the bottom-right star, along the right side of the middle star(Kennedy) and keeps drawing the line until it passes the corner of the Book Depository and crosses Houston, the line intersects with the 2nd story window of the Dal-Tex Building. Also, if you draw the line and follow the trajectory in other direction toward the Triple Underpass, it will end at the point where Dallas car salesman James Tague was struck on the cheek by a bullet fragment from the Dal-Tex shot.
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The third bullet trajectory line comes from the bottom-left star(See map). If one draws a line from the middle star(Kennedy) to the bottom-left star and continues on, the line will end at the picket fence on top of the Grassy Knoll. This shows the trajectories of the throat shot and the fatal head shot that hit Kennedy.
A fourth bullet trajectory was discovered and proven with the superimposition of Orion over Dealey Plaza.(See map).
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If one draws a line next to the bottom right side of the middle star, through the top-right star and continues onward, the line ends at the roof of the Dallas Criminal Courts Building at the corner of Houston and Main. If one draws the line in the opposite direction the line ends at the curb along the north side of Elm Street.
According to several JFK books, there was some damage cause to the curbing on the north side of Elm by a bullet. The fourth star obviously point to the direction of the Criminal Courts building. I also learned in the books that not too long after investigators cut out that particular piece of curbing, the city of Dallas replaced the curbing within that area along Elm.
The constellation of Orion pointed out the bullet trajectories but I found that a star near Orion pointed out the location of the person who masterminded the plan and some of this goes into theories by William Cooper.
In Freemasonry, Masons worship the Grand Architect of the Universe, Lucifer. He is the light bearer, the one who will illuminate them and give them intellectual light.
In Freemasonic tradition, Lucifer is represented by the red giant star known as Sirius. If one were to superimpose Sirius on a map of the area around Dealey Plaza and locating it with the same proportions in which it appears in the sky near Orion, Sirius appears in the Dallas City Police Parking lot(See map) on the EXACT same spot as a car where a man was seen talking into a radio.
Lee Bowers, is the railroad switch operator in the rail yard's signal tower located near the plaza. According to Bowers in his Warren Commission testimony, he saw a car pull into the Dallas Police Parking lot just before the assassination.
A man was riding in the car and talking into a hand-held radio. This was most likely the man who laid out operations of the assassination in Dealey Plaza.
Bowers also witnessed a"flash of light" on the Grassy Knoll at the point in which the fatal head shot was fired.
This flash was also witnessed by several people below the Grassy Knoll, including Jean Hill who was later arrested at the top of the Grassy Knoll by men claiming to be Secret Service agents.
After the assassination, three tramps were taken out of one of three railroad cars and arrested.(See Map) They were later released, never to seen again, except in a photograph obtained by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. The idenities of only two of the tramps has been speculated on and confirmed.
The first identified tramp is convicted killer Charles Voyde Harrelson, the father of actor Woody Harrelson. Do you think it was any accident that Woody Harrelson was in a movie called "Natural Born Killers", directed by Oliver Stone, the same man who made the film JFK? Charles knows this story, that's the real reason why he's rotting away in prison. He knows who killed Kennedy. Do you also think it was an accident that "Natural Born Killers", with many spoken and symbolic references to JFK and Nixon was between movies made about both of those men? Think about it. "Natural Born Killers" was symbolic of the Three tramps. Oliver Stone knows this story too.
The second tramp was identified as E. Howard Hunt, one of the burglars caught in the Watergate Break-in during the Nixon administration.
The third tramp has yet to be identified.
Recently released arrest files from the Dallas Police Department listed the three tramps under the following false names, Gus W. Abrams, Harold Doyle and John Forrester Gedney. This was obviously a cover set up by the Freemasons to silence the JFK conspiracy theorists as you will see.
In Masonic symbology, the three tramps are"the three unworthy craftsmen" who killed Hiram Abiff. Hiram Abiff was the architech of King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Hiram was killed by three unworthy craftsmen known as Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum who wanted to know Hiram's secret word given to him by the King. This drama is played out while acheiving the Third Degree in Freemasonry.
To match this symbology with the Kennedy assassination, Kennedy knew something that someone else wanted to find out. He knew about the existence of alien civilizations, the origins of the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and AREA-51 in Nevada from the Eisenhower administration and was given a cosmic secret that the Freemasons wanted with impunity.
In Freemasonry, when new members are inducted or a plan is successful a phrase that is used in Masonic celebration is"Let there be light!", thus explaining the flash on the grassy knoll.
To continue the Freemasonic tale at King Solomon's temple, the three unworthy craftsmen buried Hiram's body and everyone assumed it was missing.
After Kennedy was buried in Washington D.C., his brain came up missing from the National Archives. It was the work of the Three Tramps.
In the Hiram Abiff tale, the three unworthy craftsmen were never found but what happened to him became known after enough people became involved to find out what happened. This document is the symbolic companion to that discovery.
Since this assassination had such delicate planning and meticulously carried out to the letter in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963, there were estchalogical motives involved in the assassination rather than political. From many of the books I've read, America was basically created by the Freemasons, the structure of government, the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches borrow their ideas from Masonry. Many of the founding fathers, including George Washington, were Masons.
When John F. Kennedy, America's first Catholic President, was elected the Freemasons saw Kennedy as a threat to their power structure. Since the middle ages, the Catholic Church has gone to extraordinary lengths to wipe out Freemasonry even using the Inquisition to get rid of early freemasonry in Occult socities in Europe.
The assassination also was designed to keep power in the hands of those who want to keep control over the lives of the American people through fear.
So the assassination of John F. Kennedy was a battle in the continuing spiritual and intellectual war between the Church and the Masons which as been continuing since the Church declared Freemasonry as an evil influence.
This article was written in hopes of unraveling the maze of conspiracy surrounding the JFK assassination and finally bring an answer into why Kennedy was killed, who benefited and who had the power to cover it up and why I was given this knowledge by beings from beyond our skies.
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