Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
· Blaise Pascal, French mathematician ·

Hello, and welcome to my place on the Web.
The name's Bret Feinblatt.

This is what I look like.
I'm originally from Orchard Park, NY, and now living in a comfortable apartment just a couple blocks from Buff State, or 'staggering distance,' as a friend of mine likes to call it.
I got a degree Journalism a few years ago as a returning student, which makes this my second degree (third if you count an associates in Liberal Arts, but an associates isn't much more than a beefed-up High School degree these days, so...). My other degree is a B.S. in Environmental Science, also from BSC.
I decided to get the Journalism degree because I've always enjoyed writing, and I figure I'd rather be a good writer than a pretty good scientist. Besides, with a varied background like I've got now, I figure that widens the opportunities available to me. I hope to some day be a mild-mannered reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper, write a best-selling novel, or maybe become editor of MacAddict or MacWorld, two of my faves for snappy articles and info, useful shareware and so forth.

I chose BSC because it's nearby, convenient located, reasonably priced, and because I like a school with a really disastrous on-campus dining experience, overpriced books, the administration and megacorporations supplanting student-run businesses, and the opportunity to pay $75 a year to spin the parking roulette wheel every day.
I was also on the student newspaper, first as a writer, then as a copy editor, and finally a news editor. I also wrote editorials, came up with editorial cartoons, and had loads of fun with the April Fools day issues - maybe The Onion will decide to snap me up on their staff. Now that'd be a fun writing gig. Or maybe something more local, like The Beast. Hey, the opportunity to write cheap political humor for virtually no pay - can't beat that.
My old school newspaper, the Record.
I graduated a few years ago, and still looking to get a writing gig while working at a local lab. The Buffalo News would be a nice place to start, but they don't generally hire the minimally-experienced. So I'm looking at nearby newspapers, news magazines, whatever I can think of. Maybe some freelance work, who knows.
Online work would be nice, too. I studied web design while at BSC, and you can see the first results on this little site of mine. If anyone from Buffalo needs a website put together quick, click on the resume button and give me a call.

In ten years, I wouldn't mind being in charge of something - managing editor of a monthly mag, maybe MacAddict, something like that. Or a wealthy novelist. My plans for world conquest still have a few bugs in them, so I have to keep busy somehow....