Captain Grace Lee Whitney
USS Jerusalem : NCC-7777
Welcome to the Grace Lee Whitney Fan Page. This actress
graced the airwaves as Yeoman Janice Rand on the 1966 television series "Star Trek".
Ms. Whitney is a Messianic Jewish Christian, and has a tremendous
testimony of her victory over alcoholism. She attended Overcomer's Outreach meetings at the Church on the Way in Van Nuys, CA, and was baptized by Dr. Jack Hayford. She has experienced grace from God and is telling the world.
She has written an autobiography entitled The Longest Trek with collaborative writer Jim Denney.
We at the United Christian Starfleet have officially given Ms. Whitney the honorary command of a starship: The USS Jerusalem (NCC-7777). Thus she has promoted to the rank of Captain.
HERE to learn more about Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.
Webmaster's Photo Album
- Me and Nichelle Nichols (1987)
- Autographed Photo of Nichelle Nichols
- Autographed Photo of Jonathan Harris
Grace Lee Whitney Links
- ORDER Grace's New Book, The Longest Trek
- Grace's Testimony
- The Official Grace Lee Whitney Homepage
- People Magazine Article - 'Amazing Grace'
- Grace Lee Whitney
- Lt. Commander Janice Rand - USS Excelsior
- Janice Rand - Starfleet Experience
Other Christian-Related Star Trek Webpages
- U.S.S. Disciple
- Trek For Christ
- Trekking for Christ
- Cancilla Family Homepage
- Bill Bailey's Homepage
- Captain Murphy's Starship
- Ruben's Townhouse
- Low-Fer's Space Time Continuum
- Lessons from Lucas
- The Gospel According to Star Trek
- Star Trek in Ancient Books
- The Gospel Message Translated into the Klingon Language
- Humanistic Principles in Star Trek
- A Sermon Relating Christ's Ascention to Star Trek
- Christian Review of 'Star Trek: First Contact'
- Trek-Cochavim : Star Trek from a Jewish (Rather than Christian) Perspective
Messianic Jewish Websites
- Jews for Jesus
- Maoz Ministry
- Light of Messiah Ministries
- Menorah Ministries
- Messianic Jewish Movement International
- Synagogue of Yeshua the Messiah
Note: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy are also Jewish. Ironically, one of Shatner's ex-wives is named Gloria Rand and Nimoy's Vulcan salute actually came from a letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
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