Home on the Internet Range
last updated 7/12/2008 
I am 30 years old and live in Lorain, OH. I am the site developer for the ERP system of a manufacturing company.

I am working towards living a simply as I can so I can devote as much of my resources as I can to the projects I want to work on.
Saving the world. Meeting other people who want to do the same.

God saved our souls, its up to us to do the rest.
my favorite poet's blog -> blog.myspace.com/blancosuncolour
I am also on myspace ->
profile.myspace.com/edwardusprimus , I'm also on facebook

Other Sites of Interest:

American Red Cross
Feed The Children
Oxfam America
United Nation's Children's Fund
Peace Corps
Youth With A Mission
Not For Sale Campaign
my email address should be obvious from my userid in the url of this page combined with the parent website of geocities