Mike's House of Stuff

Enhanced for ERIScape

Hookay... If you've visited this site before, you may have noticed some stagnation. Well, I figured that when parts of your website haven't been edited since 1996, it's about time for some reorginization. Until I lose interest (again), I'll be working on trimming the fat, building up the muscle, and reducing the sodium of this page. Since the untimely demise of West End Games tugged at my heartstrings a bit, look for updates to the RPG section first. Actually, looking at the cuts I've made, it looks like we're turning into a straight RPG site...

Anyhoo, the logo up there's inaccurate. My fiction was mediocre and the Movie News page hadn't been touched in over a year, so they've both been cut. We still have Star Wars and confusion, though. Oh, yeah, and the counter down there just doesn't work. It may say that nobody's been here since the Korean war, or it may say that I'm more popular than Yahoo.

Despite all that, enjoy! :-)

And now you must choose. But choose wisely:

Star Wars: RPG stuff.
The meat of the site

A few gems from the Illuminatus! Trilogy
One of the more, ah, creative books around

My Thoughts on Censorship
One of those unrare occasions when I allow myself to get sarcastic and preachy

Something bizarre that's been on my GeoCities account for a while, but was never linked to.

Marvel Comics' Star Wars #105
Cheap gag

The Official RASSM Archive
The archive of the most wretched hive of scum and villainy on the net

poor souls have wasted precious minutes on this page since 8/4/97
(Just ignore this thing.)

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