I'm Alexander T Greene. Welcome to my site.

Latest News
Good God, Look AT All The Dust In Here!: It was like cracking open a door that had been shut for so long that the lock and hinges had rusted shut. We practically had to jimmy the damned thing open.
And inside here is an ancient treasure trove of disused data.
Journal update to follow here.
Victim and Killer: I had a stirring dream this morning. I felt so moved by it that I wanted to share it with you. Here it is.
I Got Something Published!: I can trump my older news with some real good news of my own. My name is in print in World of Darkness: Dogs of War, Hunter: the Vigil.
New Page: I've put up a new page, Too True ..., which lists satirical jingles and slogans for various products I've literally dreamed up. These slogans are a little too close for comfort for the product manufacturers ...
More Weird Dreams: Every now and then, I get two dreams which stick in my mind in one night. Usually, at least one of my dreams is a little odd, but this time I've come up with two totally off the wall dreams. Share a little bit of the weirdness with me.

More Changes to Rowanwood: The Rowanwood site ... gaah. I'll get around to this. Believe me.

On Site
I have finally updated the Flavia tribute page.
My Links page is going to get a cleanup, too.
Enjoy the Site!

This page, its contents and this whole site, are Copyright © Alexander T Greene, 2008. All rights reserved.