Todd McFarlane's


Iguantus and Tuskadon
In a twisted medieval tale of beast and beauty, Iguantus
was once the most handsome and fearless knight of the
kingdom. During her first days on Earth, the Necromancer
desired him to join her fight, and her lust. Rebuffed and
scorned, Necromancer turned Iguantus into a hybrid
creature she said was "more fitting of his name": part
human, part reptile. This slithering creature stands 4
11/16" tall, with articulation at the neck, shoulders, waist,
and tail. Accessories include the troll and a banner. He
sits atop his once mighty steed, Tuskadon, also a victim
of Necromancer's wrath, now a hulking brute standing 2"
tall, with articulation at the neck, shoulders, and waist.
Accessories include an ax and shield.

The Necromancer
Perhaps the most powerful witch on Earth or of any
dimension, she leads an army of the dead through
different planes and holes through occult warps. As
counsel and second in command to Spawn: The Black
Heart, she uses her mastery of the black arts and abilities
to morph into anyone or anything to make her the most
powerful woman of the Dark Ages. She stands a deadly 6
1/8" tall, with articulation at the neck, shoulders, waist,
and wrists, with backmounted wings with an articulated
claw at the top of each wing. Accessories include a
sword, severed head, two masks, and articulated wings.
Her evil associate, Dragon Lizard stands 15/16" tall, with
articulation at the neck, legs, and tail.

A savage brute with no soul, his pleasure comes from the
pain and terror of others. As a master of his craft, he is
skilled in the many instruments of tor-ture and relentless
in his desire to make his victim's pain everlasting.
Exemplifying this is one of his most cruel acts: the
grafting of the head and body parts of his victims to his
own body, ensuring that their suffering will last an
eternity. This skull-covered bringer of death stands 6
13/16" tall, with articulation at the neck, shoulder, biceps,
wrists, and right thigh. Accessories include an ax, three
spears, a basket, backpack, and straps for the chest.

Spawn: The Black Heart
A heart molded and stoked from the fires of Hell, Donovan
Brood was banished from the kingdom's elite court of
knights. He was later killed in a battle between his band
of criminals known as The Plague, and those with whom
he once protected the Kingdom. He became a HellSpawn
and set out to inflict his own Hell on Earth. This ruthless
and murderous figure stands 6" tall, with articulation at
the neck, shoulders, elbows, knees, waist, wrists, and
ankles. Accessories include a large blade (on back), three
claw weapons for right wrist/fore-arm, blade weapons for
right hand and left forearm, and a cloak.

Viper King
The cruel ruler of all serpents, he controls alt snakes and
uses them to steal, murder, and ravage villages at will. An
evil ally of Spawn: The Black Heart, he uses his powers to
take his own section of the Kingdom. His hydra-like body
is able to regenerate whenever an appendage is cut off or
killed. In an evil twist of fate, two snakes always replace
the lost one. This rampaging reptile stands 6 i/8" tall, with
articulation at the neck, shoulders, waist, biceps, and
wrists. Accessories include hanging chains.

Mandarin Spawn:
The Scarlet Edge
A mysterious warlord from another dimension, a dimension
destroyed by the Necromancer's Army of the dead, he is
the deadliest swordsman and battle warrior ever. Leading
the King's new elite warriors to combat Spawn: The Black
Heart and his army. The Plague, he is a giant warrior
standing 9" tall, with articulation at the neck, shoulders,
waist, left bicep, right elbow, and wrist. Accessories
include two long swords that connect to one large sword,
two short swords, two scabbards with a hip connector,
loin cloth, chest plate, two knee pads, two masks, and a


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