These pages are for all information pertinent to the description, makeup, data, and flavor (stories) of this group of mercenaries and their allied/aligned units. Some of their enemies may show their ugly faces too. We shall see it all together. WELCOME WARRIOR!!Colonel James Rommel Sutherland Commander of the SGR 20th Regimental Command Company
"Witness a Highlander Burial, you'll never forget it..."
LTCOL Gerald Coleman,1st CAV Battalion Commanding Officer,SGR.
Open SGR LINKS PAGESome of the coolest places for Battletech and Links to our favorite Supporters. Thanks for all the HELP!
Open SGRPAGE2 Unit Statistics, 1st Regiment Info, 'The Night Explodes' Open SGRPAGE3 2nd Regiment Info, 'Retribution' Open SGRPAGE4 3rd Regiment Info, 'Warpath' Open SGRPAGE5 Ranks, Unit Legend, 'Mechs,the SGR Models' Open SGRPAGE6 Personalities of the SGR, Old Adversaries, Guest Book, News. Open SGRPAGE7 4th Regiment Info , 'SGR Our Original Mission', and Take the Battle Quiz!
"MECHS are Demons, they take over your soul and make you a killer..." Captain Mckenzie, Commanding Officer, 19th Tiger Company, SGR.Hatamoto Ryu SGR Model DON'T FORGET TO SIGN THE GUEST BOOK ON PAGE 6!!
Last updated: 13 July 2004
DISCLAIMER- All rights to Battletech,Mechwarrior,and mechs,vehicles, gaming personalities, et al were owned by FASA corporation. The use of these various trademark names is without per- mission but only for reference to this unit designed under this gaming world. This is not an attempt to cash in on anything. I have enjoyed this game for 15 years and this homepage is an honorarium to that devotion. THIS GAME RULES! ADDENDA- All music rifts copyrighted by Gary Numan. Header Icons and Bluedrop.jpg Background is courtesy of The Graphics Station linked above. Most of the graphics are scanned and modified by me for this homepage use only. Other submit- ted drawings by Peter M. Wolland, Marcus P. Wolland and John R. Coleman are greatfully appreciated. Anthony JD Midmore provided imagery with a Digital 8 Camcorder. Thanks guys!!! P.S. Nothing may be copied or used from my page without my written permission. Thanks! From your host, Jon P. Wolland.![]()
© 1997 jwolland@aol.com
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