Yes I'm another sw fan... I just want to show to everybody (who doesn't know well SW, I hope there is fewer and fewer) how SW is great. For the others (majority) you are welcome here, take what you want.
My favorite character is Chewbacca as you can see. If you don't understand what I am talking about, just go (back) seeing the trilogy, here there is not many other things. Don't ask me why I like Chewie, I really don't know well, but soon I'll try to make a page about this.
I have concentrated on one character only who is great!! Chewie for sure!! Don't hesitate to go to the files folder, there is a LOT, and some interesting stuff.
There is
visitors since 1997/11/10
10/05/01:Again my web space provider went done. They change their TOC without telling it to me, and I don't fit anymore to it.
Anyway, I have re-uploaded pictures, they all worked. I have uploaded also movie files and zip one, but I still don't know why, it seems not to work.
Wav files went also down recently, I'll try to fix it up. Sorry for all inconvenience.
10/09/00:Okay, everything should be fine. I have put back all my files. I have added several images of chewbacca, two big movies. I have also updated
chewbacca's biography, kashyyyk description and the bowcaster description. Hope u'll enjoy it.
09/21/00: Well, well, I was not around since a long time, and luckily :/ one of my provider went down. My unlimited account is down, and most of files are not anymore accessible. If you know a good unlimited account,
that can be uploaded by ftp with no size limitation, please mail me. Well anyway I wanted to do some update, It will take a bit longer, but there will be update of pictures and some good files... Wait and see :))
04/28/00: I have just made a new design for my web page. I hope this is nicer for you.
03/21/00: I think it's now ok, for both images and sound files, but i still have not checked carefully all. New stuff will be also available soon.
03/14/00: I've just noticed that two providers changed and has broken my links. Images and wav files are no longer available. I'll fix it soon, and I'll add new images of wookie from Episode I.
11/25/99: Almost everything should work fine. I've updated also links... Later I'll add new pics
11/16/99: I'm here again to make an update, new movie, new files (a lot, bootlogo, Theme, screensaver and even a new song about Chewbacca!). The update will be finish soon.
08/24/99: Yes, I'm still around, but I have a lot of work, I'll add some stuff agin but later...
05/06/99: Finally all files are available. Just surf and enjoy it. Don't hesitate to contact me to give me your impression
04/29/99: Finally I put my movies files on the net, all except three files are available. those three are Mtvchew, Prisoner and Close. Those three are more than 10Mo and difficult to put. i'll try to fix it later.
03/19/99: Still, there some movies missing, and I've just seen that my web space providr is very slow, so I have to change...
All the material here is under the copyright of Lucasfilm Ltd and the owner. The intention here was only to do a page dedicated to Star Wars and especially to Chewie and Peter Mayhew.
Anything to say:
Last update 04/28/2000