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A simple welcome to all who enters my homepage. Must be wondering what "Zephyr" is yah? Well, thats the nick I use around...And its meaning is: The West Wind. No significance btw, it just sounds cool =).

new1.gif (479 bytes)I am so EMBARRRRRAAASSSEEEDDDD to say that I've left this website to rot on its own in the digital fragments of the internet for over a year! EGADS! And i think i kinda owe the wedding photos page. Think I'll get around to it? haha...maybe so. Click Here!

Of course, I must also say that i'm currently residing in California USA with my husband. Things sure are changing and going fast! So many things to say and update but well, i think i ain't going to put it on this website...haha. Too complicated. Haha!

Hamsters hamsters hamsters... wat can i say?
Sniff...no more pets in my house. They've all gone to a better place. Hopefully the Lord will grant me the wish to see all my pets! =)

This goes to the church part of this website. From there you can always take a look at the chuch webpage! =)
Or, if you like, click here to see the Youth Church Website! =)

Here is a picture of Clement in the manchester station. We went around europe for a holiday in June to early july of 2001 . cool huh! (Update Note: i'm leaving this here cos clem looks so happy in it...!)

Archiving pictures now:

1. These are of Jabin's entry into 2.5 years of National Service. He's a field medic...i think....=) Heh...He has ORD-ed!!!!!!!!! Good fer ya Jabin! Take a look at the photos taken of the Pulau Tekong BMT center.

2. For the photos of the trip to Malaysia, 2001. Most are of the convention held at the "Gory" Beach Resort....hee...and the end part is of the 2 day stay at a Malacca trip. No captions...too busy and rushed...sorry. For the PHOTOGRAPHS, Click here.

3. Also pictures of a short holiday to New Zealand...my fav country! MUST SEE!!

4. I'm still gonna leave my morbid experience of having pulled out my wisdom tooth here....Bwahahaha!! Click here.

5. Heh...i think i'll leave this cute page here...dedicated to my currently going to soon be 29 year old brother. =) BEEG BROTHER! )

A page dedicated to my beloved cute little hamsters and their hamlets! Smile at their cuteness!

By the royal decree of the most highest of brudders...his greatness has requested nicer family photos be put up (um, i can't make it any smaller becoz the picture starts looking weird so its a bit big...heh....) ...and so it has been done on the very day of his burfday. *bow* His royal greatness' mother, her majesty the Mum, has also decreed that the photo of her cute kids be put up...and so it also has been done. *bow again*

familyc2.gif (37984 bytes)

Anyway, please do take the time to look around and feedback moi whatcha think about this place.
Mail Me! =)


Index Family Prophetic Revelation Ministry Friends School Stuff My Pets Air Rifle Links


This homepage started on 11th July 1998...Singapore Timezone.
Last Updated on: 15th May 2005...California Timezone aka Pacific Timezone

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