The Mystery of 33
Room 33

Hope you Enjoyed the Movie!

x-files the movie was 33 days from the season finale

Over the past few years I have noticed an odd frequency in the occurance of the number 33 in and around my life. A portion of this site will be dedicated to documenting every instance of the 33 that I come across. I know this sounds insane. One of the pages that I am actively seeking contributions for is my page dealing with the occurance of the number 33 in literature.

If you have noticed the use of the number 33 in a work of literature please e-mail me or sign my guestbook and tell me the title author and chapter (page number optional), so that I may add to my list.

Here is My Banner! Please feel free to snag it and put it wherever... Your site... or anywhere else you can.... I know it's not much, but I'm new at this.

Music: The lyrics to the Smashing Pumpkins song Thirty-Three

Links Page
Links to my friends pages with no significance to the number 33 but hey they are my friends!

Fowler's Finds
This is a page of contributions from my friend Scott Fowler.

OK, Here is where you can read a little about Me!

Here is a VERY SHORT list of people that have a connection to the number 33.
Send contributions to make this list longer!

Check out these links to Chapter 33 on the Web.

sightings since 211197

I have a guestbook!!! so please sign it or e-mail with your comments or anything regarding a sighting of 33 in literature, art, or an uncommon use in everyday life.

Contributions will be added to the page.

The 'My Page May Suck But I'm Proud Of It' Ring
The 'My Page May Suck But I'm Proud Of It' Ring
on this site is owned by Melanie Fischer!

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Yada, Yada, Yada, Or else I wouldn't have a page.