The Realm
NOTICE: I no longer play The Realm, I think its Customer Service *(which is a joke even calling it that)* sucks, I have no faith in Sierra whatso ever, thier products are buggy and they don't seem to want to hear any negative thoughts on thier products, this page was made when I thought that The Realm was all there is and there was a long time when all that was keeping me playing were my friends, even that couldn't stop me after a while, I quit, and I think NONE of you have to put up with the lack of interest in the customers and the lack of talent in the whole company. THANK YOU Drunken Dwarf
Want to see the good ole me? Well the wait is over! Now that I've remade DrunkenDwarf you get to see me again! Aren't you happy? =o)
Welcome to my page which is devoted to The Realm. The Realm was a big upgrade from a MUD. (Multi User Dungeon which is just like a RPG with no books, computer for GM and its over the internet) Sierra took a big step from a MUD, so people please look past the cartoon like graphics and look at what your mind can see, because without the imagination there is nothing to look forward to. Thank You and enjoy the page. DrunkenDwarf
The Story on The Realm
The Realm is a good game, hard to cheat unless you have found a way around the 30 day credit card check *(one of TRT's new goodies)*, ahh well its not Diablo all over again, yet. The Realm is like real life, has chat rooms and you can talk to people only in your screen or in a group and if you dont want anyone else to know you can tell one person alone. The one thing you must look out for is people called Jumpers those are people with thier PvP (like player killing) on so all those who think "Ahh cool I can be a thief" think again thieves always have thier PvP on seeing as they steal from others they must have revenge thrown at them, only fair. Another thing most everyone knows, be nice to others and they will most likely be nice to you, which helps when you start out. And a last comment of mine "If your not drunk, your no fun at all!!" Thank You DrunkenDwarf
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