Ok, ok, ok...I am sooooo sorry! I know I said that I would most likely get all the updates done by September-well, Steptember has come and gone as well as most of October and no updates have happened. Let me give a quick explaination and then I'll move on to whats coming. Ok, see Through out most of Steptember we had no phones in my house which meant no computer access for me which meant no site updates once we got out phone turned back on, instead of having three lines-it was moved down to one. And my mom and her boyfriend are net junkies and my sister constantly stays on the phone with her boyfriend I still have limited access on my computer. And now, I'm looking for a job and I am back into researching Wicca-I've got even less time.
BUT, I've put in so much time and energy into planning and making images and typing out stuff into this site-I dont want it to go down the drain where all other non-updated sites go. I realize I have a bunch of fans of my site as well and I dont want to let them down either. So, I plan to still keep my site updated and I will be adding what I already have done to my site and then as I do it, I'll add more. Right now I've got most of my Disturbing Behavior site done, All of my The Craft site and most of my Dawsons Creek and tons and tons of images. I'll add all that within the next week and keep adding along the way. I hope you'll all continue to come here and see all the new stuff I'll be adding. I'm going to leave this letter at see you soon so I can get to those updates!
Site Creator
Send responses to: screamiesite@hotmail.com
[I know what you did last Summer]
This page was last updated on October 21st 1998