Welcome to the miscellaneous horror movies. Here you will find many reviews and summaries for several different scray movies that I own on home video. And there are more being added all the time too! So this shouldn't just be a page for you to visit one time only-no! You should come back at the very least once a month. And there is so much more than just movies too! On the links below you'll find a Horror Masters section that features the people htat made the horror genere what it is today, you'll find a link to a section that has all the latest info on the upcoming horror movies and a links page to various different (all the best) horror sites on the net. On this page you'll also find two interactive pages where you can submitt your favorite scenes in horror movies as well as your favorite quotes.

[Scream Masters] [Horror News] [Horror Links]
[Favorite Horror Scenes] [Favorite Horror Quotes]

Here's what you've been waiting for. More horror than you can with stand! Dont be afraid though=) Websites dont bite=)
At the end of each summary/review of the movie you'll see my 5 rating stystem.
Its just like the ususal ones, 5 meaning its excellent and 1 meaning its not so great.
Click on the images to go to the pages.

people have been killed here since November 15, 1997!

Thanks for visiting everyone!

These are all simply just movies I own on home video. Expect more and more of them as time goes on. I do not claim to be part of the companies that made these films and everything used about them is copyright to their respective owners. And you can expect more movies to come as soon as I get them!=)

This page was last updated on August 1st 1998