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Robotech is one of the things that I am most interested in. I have read all but one or two of the novels by Jack McKinney, I have eight or nine of the RPG books (I am looking for a copy of Ghost Ship---if you know how to get me one, that would be great!!!), and I love the animie. I REALLY wish they would put it back on the air...and mabey even at a normal time, instead of 3 a.m.

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What's New...

I have recently been using Front Page 98 to re-organize my files and pages, and I think they are beginning to look the way I want them to.  I have made this page my home page, and the old home page has been changed to my Personal Page.  All of my images pages will be revised and I am planning to make thumbnail images of all the pictures, to save on loading time.  I haven't decided which Guestbook I want to use yet (I have a GuestWorld, and a GeoCities one..).  Soon I am going to update my Book Reviews page, adding some of the new books I have read recently, and maybe adding pictures if I can.  I hope you like this site, and check back for changes!  Please e-mail me your comments, or use the GeoGuide above!

(SDF1 in orbit around Earth, escorted by Veritech fighters.)

I can't wait until Robotech: Crystal Dreams comes out from GameTek!!! It looks like it will be pretty good, and actually loosely follow the story line. I have grabbed some pic's from their see them click here.

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Robotech is Drama:
Robotech a story of human tenacity and courage in the face of three different invasions of Earth by three separate but related alien races. The series details the lives of three generations of men and women who took up the fight to defend their planet against overwhelming odds and ultimately triumph.

Robotech is High Technology:
Much of Robotech centers around the development and use of "Robotechnology" a technology that is discovered when an alien battleship crashes on Earth in 1999. One of the best known aspects of Robotech is it use of "Mecha." Mecha are suits of powered armor of varying sizes that are used to combat alien forces, or used by aliens to battle Earth's humans. Unlike Alien Mecha, human Mecha is often transformable, allowing extreme versatility when combating other Mecha.

Robotech is Science Fiction:
The pivotal element of Robotech was a substance called "Protoculture." Protoculture is an energy that can be extracted from an alien plant called "The Flower of Life." One of the most interesting aspects of protoculture is its ability to form a link between man and machine, when a machine uses protoculture as its power source. The Flower of Life is only known to grow well on two planets in known space: Earth and a distant world called Optera.

Robotech is some of the Best and Worst animation drawn:
Most Robotech fans know that the Robotech series is actually a skillful linking of three similar but unrelated Anime series. The three Anime series "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross," "Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross," and "Genesis Climber Mospeada" were skillfully combined and rewritten to form a single somewhat coherent sci-fi saga. Unfortunately the quality of the animation was highly variable. This was not due to the American blending of the three series, but actually due to some inconsistencies with the persons doing the animation. The end result was a great deal of mediocre work broken up by some really impressive pre-computer animation. However, most fans including myself overlook the bad Anime and focus on the most interesting story elements, characters and technology.

Robotech is... Addictive:
I don't know what it is about Robotech but even though it can be stupid at times, it still grabs my attention, even after 10 years. I am comforted only by knowning that I am not the only one...

Robotech survives:
Although the original series ended quite a while ago (More than 10 years), Robotech lives on in Comic Books, Video Tapes, Syndication, Models, Role Playing Games, and Web Pages.

The preceeding summarization of the Robotech universe was written by The author's web site is the Hellcat Squad Room.

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logosmall.jpg (1577 bytes)This page created by Jason Tabert, JRT Ltd. Last updated 06/10/98
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The Legal Stuff: Robotech is copyright © 1985 Harmony Gold Inc; ROBOTECH: The Role-Playing Game (RPG) is © 1998 Kevin Siembieda, © 1998 Palladium Books