Yes this is me, I am in a suit and looking smart for a change.
Hi ! I am a Libran born on the forteenth of October 1966. That probably makes me older than most of you reading this page but I really don't care as you are as old as you feel. I was born outside of the UK. My father was a corporal in the British Army and he served all over the world, when I was born he was stationed in the Middle East. Which is how come I was born in a RAF hospital in a place called Steamer Point which is in Aden.
I have been a UFO researcher for over ten years now. I can't put an exact date that I started on this field of research because I don't know when an interest became a serious thing. I do know that my interest has been seriously rekindled (after a few years of non-interest) because of programs like The X Files and that I had some time on my hands now that I was single again. I started a club for other people like me who where interested in The X Files, or X Philes as we liked to call ourselves. I met my fiancé there as well. It was here that I met someone from a local UFO group called UFOMEK . After a very long and involved chat I ended up phoning the co-ordinator of that group Jerry Anderson . We had a long an interesting chat that lasted well over an hour. I felt that I had met an old friend. I went to the next UFOMEK meet and from there on I have been actively involved with the group.
I got onto the internet fairly soon after that, I was also egged on by the young lady who was to become my fiancé. Then the wonders of the information superhighway hit me and my phone bill quadrupled!
With UFOMEK I have attended and been involved in two UFO conventions. You can see a picture of me and Jerry Anderson with Adrian Singh (he was the guy who introduced me to UFOMEK) at one.
I do have my own UFO Website which you are most welcome to visit.
This music is the theme tune to my favourite episode in Star Trek TNG "The Inner Light".
Last updated 14th October, my birthday!