The Cynred
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This is a website for the World of Warcraft guild The Cynred on the Norgannon server.

01/01/08 Update

Guild is going 50 - 80 only.
Anyone below that level already in the guild can stay.  Anyone below level 50 will be moved to either one of the following two catagories:

1.  ALT
2.  Knights

Knights and ALTS do not have access to the guild vault. 

Other new level titles:

50-60 Level:  Rank Battle Master
  This has access to tab 1
61 - 69 Level: Rank Executioner
  This has access to tab 2
70 - 80 Level: Rank Death Squad
  This has access to tab 3

Officers are still War Council. Check the guild notes in game to see who is assigned to which rank.  Direct any questions to the guild officer assigned to your level. 

Other New Things:  Raiding

We will begin scheduling a guild raid on Saturday afternoon.  Sunday afternoon will be a back up day or second raid day.  We will try to schedule a raid for each guild rank.

Daffodill, Guild Master
Our Myspace Page
Guild Portal Site
Guild Stuff You Can Buy
Contact in RL:
Name: Katrina (aka Daffodill)
Guild Rules:

1.  See an officer to sch runs

2.  No jerks is our first rule. 

3.  You can get stuff out of the guild vault.  Just try to put stuff IN the guild vault, too.  Remember, the guild vault runs on donations - we do not charge dues.  You can donate gold. 

4.  If you have any problems or questions, mail Daffodill in game.


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