Check out this very well designed Transformer site with extensive UK Transformer comic information and photos!
Transformers On-Line Encyclopedia
All the information you could ever want on the US and Japanese comic and catoon Transformer universe!
The Transformers Tribute Page
Toy reviews, polls, editorials, and more!
Tranlated Car Robots episodes, pictures, videos, and original Transformer music!
The Unofficial Beast Machines Site
Site includes Beast Machine news, toy reviews, rumors, and more!
Presenting one of the finest Transformer web sites on the internet: Unicron.com! Features extensive original "kitbashes" of existing Transformer toys as well as custom built figures such as Transmutate! The site also contains relaible news and information updates, toy reviews, and box/toy scans. Visit today!
Beast Wars Foundation
Find extremely detailed repaints and extensive remodels of both Beast Wars & Transformers figures at the Beast Wars Foundation. Includes the site owner's original "Transmythics" line. Very cool site!
Transformers: World's Worst
This site is soooooo funny! As Tarantulas would say: "Haaahehhehheeeeheeha!"
Pleasantville - Your favorite B&W town - A trivia quiz about the movie Pleasantville, starring Tobey McGuire and Reese Witherspoon.
STRANGE NEWS - What In This World Is Going On?
Sci-Fi Art - Sci-Fi Art, Internet comic book, Star Trek Jokes,
Nelix & Kes, Tuvok, Chakotay, Tom Paris, Holodoc,
and Harry Kim.