Some good film & tv related sites
Ultimate TV - A
comprehensive listing of mainly American TV shows
BBC Comedy Zone - Good site with some funny downloads available
BBC Cult TV - Site showing the "Cult" TV that they are currently broadcasting
Universal Horror Channel - Very good site which covers those classic
Universal horror films of the 30s to 50s
the Episode Guides - an excellent site listing episodes for many hundreds of tv shows
Film Com - Good site with RealVideo trailers for upcoming and previous films
Hollywood Online - Comprehensive listing of multimedia resources
available on various movies
Ultimate Lieutenant Columbo site - THE site for Columbo fans
Babylon 5 - Official site for this excellent show
La Femme Nikita - Good
site to a good show - take a look if you've not seen it
Serial Squadron - A
great site covering those movie serials of yesteryear
Zombie's Movie Magazine - A good site covering unusual films
Sledge Hammer Arsenal - A great site covering a forgotten US comedy show
of the 80s
Sci-Fi Channel - Covers many shows showing on the Sci-Fi cable
CGS TV Sites - Another comprehensive listing of TV sites on the WWW
Cinemarquee's Science Fiction Cafe - A large listing of sf related sites
Avengers Unofficial Homepage - A massive site covering the exploits of John
The Outer Limits -
Great official site for the 90s version of this show
The Outer Limits Original Show - A great site covering the original show
What's one of my favourite films? Click here.
What's my favourite Star Trek: Next Generation
episode? Click here.
What's my favourite Star Trek original series
episode? Click here.