Lindsay's Web Page of Stuff!!! This Page is ALWAYS under construction


Hi, For all of you who I don't know, My name is Lindsay and that's my picture.--For all the people who have constantly nagged me for it, Here is is and it's not flattering-- I Live in Vancouver, Canada and that's about all there is to me....

IT"S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!just kidding:o)


My Pictures

Wallace and Gromit Pics

X-files Stuff


L-R: Michelle, Virginia, Marie, Kathryn, Daphne, Me.




Family: Uncle Hugh,My parents, My granny!-----My friends and I on a canoeing trip!

Wallace and Gromit Pictures and Links!

Wallace lives at 62 West Wallaby Street with his dog Gromit. Wallace does a little bit of inventing creating all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. To support this hobby, they both work as window washers. As for his social life, Wallace is in love with a lady named Wendolin....(to be comtinued.)

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Wallace and Gromit Links

The Wallace and Gromit Homepage This is FABULOUS!

Gromit Speaks! This is the page of a dedicated fan!

Worms Wallace and Gromit Page

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X-Files Stuff!

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