Time Warp From: Rocky Horror Picture Show

Hello all you good people my name is Stephanie Sheppard
and this is my homepage. Please give it awhile to load.
I'm from a small hole called Culver in Indiana. I was born on June 7th 1980.
I'm 20 and live with my boyfriend in a small house. I could say I'm wonderful but anyone who knows me knows thats not entirely true. Things could be better and I know that. But for now I'm happy. I hope you all know that. I really am. I'm content with my life right now. Anyway I'm going to be totaly redoing my webpage so it may be weirded for a few days. But it will soon be great.
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HAPPY Third Birthday Steph's Homepage !!!

This is my boyfriend, Domingo, and I

Attn: Boys and Girls,
Alright, my page is going to focus on the things I love and not just anything anymore so what you will see on this page is my writing, drawing and my friends and family. I have been told that I need to get some better pictures up here of some of my friends so just for you Samantha and Cori, I have a few right here....
- Samantha and Robert
- Cori

Now for some more pictures of my friends and Family Click below:

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I got this June 30, 1997
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