My Index of Pages

Okay so I have alot of pages. I'm sorry. But here is a small little list of the things they are about. Okay. So just click and go.
~My First Home Page~ This is the first one I did. I kinda got carried away with the Java so watch out.

~My David Duchovny Page~ I love David Duchovny from The X-files. He's so great looking.

~My Fanfic Page~ I like to write. So I decided to make a page for it. There are some stories that I wrote and some that were written by friends of mine.

~My Disney Page~ I love Disney movies. This page isn't that great. So if you don't like Disney I wouldn't waste your time. It doesn't have much on it anyways.

~My Heath Ledger Page~ I also love Heath Ledger from Roar. Not as much as David but he is very very close. There is a fan club on this page too.

~My Cyber Pets~ Yep I collect cyber pets. I keep them all on this page. Well pages really.

~My Cyber Tigers~ I also adopt out Tigers. There were made for me by a friend. Ladyhipoo. And if you want a tiger for your webpage click here. I have all kinds.

~My Cartman Page~ This is my Cartman Page. As in Eric Cartman from South Park. I love that show to death. Cartman is my fave though. There isn't anything on this right now. But there will be soon. I promise.

Okay. Well I think thats all of them for now. Sorry if some of them are not really done. But all are always under construction. Thank you for taking the time to read about my pages.