A Sailor Moon ParoD(iC)y
My oldest Sailor Moon fanfic. In fact, one of my oldest fanfics period. Did I mention it's old? Oddly enough, I've got the most positive feedback on this story, even though comedy isn't my forte. And I don't really write like this... really. All Sailors (and I do mean all) make an appearance in this story.
Yes, the funny characters (These characters ~'s *'s, not story characters) are part of the title; to help distinguish it from the 5 million other Nightmare's on the 'Net. My only story that has ever generated a flame...*wipes tear away* I'm so proud. This is a Usagi and Mamoru love story with a dark twist.
My favorite Sailor Moon fanfic I've written up to date. (Well, ever I suppose, since I'm no longer writing SM fanfics. *bows at the cheers*) However, I seem to be in the minority here. Apparently I was too obtuse and many readers never really got the story ^^; I've finally gotten off my keister and've written the Author's Notes for anyone confused over the events transpiring in the 'fic. Starring the mysterious Sailor Pluto! It does seem appropriate the Pluto has the most confusing fanfic detailing her past.
Sailor Moon TZ(Twilight Zone): Return of the Spore
I never wrote this. You can't prove I did. It does not exist. Here... look into my swirling umbrella...
Heart of Ice My last Sailor Moon fanfic that came and went without much of a splash. The Author's Notes are nearly as long as the story itself! (^_^)' (This says more about the story then the A.N.) A vignette in Neptune's Point of View.
20th Century Prince and Princess My brief flirtation with writing SM poetry. I managed to sneak this into my Creative Writing: Poetry class as an assignment. Muahahaha! Mamoru speaks!
 Sailor Charon, Bard of the Senshi my SM fanfic alter ego. She doesn't have infinite power however, thus, she isn't my SM avatar... that's Sailor Imperial. *WEG* Anyway, it has come to my attention that there is another "Sailor Charon" who writes SM fanfic(namely the fanfic "Ancient History". However, I have always had the "BoS" after my pen name, thus it should be possible to distinguish between us.