But since then, I've found out that it belongs to a very kind and tallented lady. She explained to me how it had been taken from her site (even though it has a true copywright) and how she paid so much in time as well in money making this her special trademark. So in respect for her I have removed it. I respect honesty, and like Lacie, am very upset that someone would steal her hard work and put it out there as a free item. To Lacie my appologies, and to all others I ask that you go to her page and see her beautiful work. When you're there, you'll be able to see the flying butterfly as she created it...with her siginature. Just click on the blue butterfly to get there.
A very special
event is about to happen. As the sun rises directly centered
between the two moons of Insectia, their mystical rays combine and shine upon the closed bloom of a pure white magical large
lily. When suddenly a morning dew drop falls from a tall oakly
tree and gently lites upon the softness of the petals. The
magical sun-moon ray combines with the sweetness of the dew drop,
and the lily slowly opens. There within lies a babe. Hence,
Faliena is born.
Insectia is a
world of magic, beauty, and wondrous beings. When Faliena's
young life is facing the danger of being captured by the most
evil creature of all of Insectia, she must leave the people that
she loves the most and go on the adventure of her life. She will
not only meet wonderful new friends, but she will be going through
changes that she just won't be able to understand, until she's
gone through them. She will learn, live, love and grow.
Faliena's life is
filled with magic, adventure, happiness, sadness, wondrous friends,
and love. In these pages, I hope to bring you some of Faliena's
magic. To continue the adventure, just click on your desired
destination below.
Thank you Ali, For helping all my friends using Netscape