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This page was last updated on: Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Starting at 7:51 PM. Ending at 8:28 PM.

This is for my good friend. Her father has passed away from cancer, and her son is finishing up on chemo treatments for cancer. The bills she has to pay are in some sence killing her. She needs help in anyway you can. Check out her site.. Help Thank you.

Word to all....Many things on this page are controversial. If I step on your toes, PLEASE don't take it personal.... This is here for knowledge, not to tick you off and want to send me hate mail. Knowledge can be power if used in the right way. And I want you to see what knowledge I can offer. If you don't like the things I know, or belive in, go about your way like before. This is for you to know.
The Page Master, (aka Magus)

[Magus] [borg claw] [Fire]

[vamp. creature] [spinning skull] [beaconing finger]

[yin yang] [spinning earth] [odd statue]

[Aninote] [Dryad the tree] [Book]

[Dracula] [The Great Knight]

[E-Mail Me]

Click on Janus (the pic below) to go to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Go and look. :)You could be helping someone in need. :)Remember children are people too.


Janus is Magus when he was younger. Janus was pulled in a time portal and was taken away from everthing he had ever know. Of course this did not truely happen but, he lost his family. If you see one of these children on the site, please help them. Let's not have another "Janus". The Page Master (aka Magus).

Coming soon: Work on all my pages.

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