As you can see..I am a half-elven maiden; my father, a human, married my mother; a Silvanesti elven maiden, when she was but 120 elven years...Off course her father did not approve and she was thown out of the Silvanesti clan....this broke her heart but she vowed that the love she shared with my father would be worth the loss of her childrens heritage.....
As it turned out..I was the only child born of that marriage for reasons father died when I was but an adolescent in human years..
What my mother did not know..was that on the night of my birth the forest guardian cast a spell on the age of sixteen in human years, my true heritage would be revealed
What is this heritage you may ask?..My true heritage is that of the child of the elements my spirit soars with the wind and is as fiesty as fire
I am as solid as the earth...and has soft as water...I am at one with all elements..and all guide me daily...The true meaning of
this was revealed to my mother by the Forest Guardian on the eve of my 16th human birthday...
The Forest Guadian Speaks :Julianas, child of the sun, your daughter; Kaysa Kjeldoran Pride, has been chosen to be the child of the elements
Her spirit will always be a free have raised her to be not need another...she will be strong and true...Trust her to make the right decisions; she must now leave her home and be guided by the
winds....the elements will always watch over her...she is needed..go now..and sleep for in the morrow your daughter will leave..
Of course...I had not planned to leave..but my mother knew that the Forest Guardian was right...and that I would leave in the morrow...So she prepared my clothing...and my bag...took out her amulet and set it aside...and when I awoke she took me in her arms and said..: "child.. you are my only are the one I have loved and given all to........ I have taught you to fend for yourself with your bow and short sword, you have learned the ways of nature and of the Silvanesti, I have given you what I could of your human heritage and taught you many things from them...You must now leave and fallow the Whispering Winds for they will guide you...Take this amulet it was mine..when I was a sorceress...I seldom use magic now..and will need it not... Daughter fallow the elements for they are your true parents I was but a help..."
At this I started to cry, yelling at her telling her that I did not wish to leave and that I wanted to stay at home with her. But she smiled and turned away...effectively telling me that she did not need me.....crying I picked up the clothes she had laid out for me..the bag, the bow and quiver full of arrows, my short sword...and left the house...vowing to find the Forest Guardian and make him talk.....
I found him.. in the forest near the river or more to the point he found me... The next morning at my awakening he stood there..tall and proud looking like an elf to my eyes..and he talked : " are the child of the elements, close your eyes and listen..." Naturally curious.. I did as he asked..and was amazed to hear whispers...I opened my eyes and looked at him..all he said was : "go..listen to them"; So I picked up my things..
I walked for hours it seemed..going god knows where... and then..I arrived in front of the most beautiful sight I had ever seen...
I walked towards seemed like it floated above
the ground...I closed my see if I could see
it in my mind..I felt a gush of wind throw me upon the
gates... when I opened my eyes...I was inside the castle..
I could not believe it!
Well.. to continue my life story without boring you to tears...*laughing softly*...I decided to make my home in this castle..the presence of the elements was so strong...I walked the grounds on the wings of the wind... and in the time I was there....I learned more about my heritage.. I came to learn that it's name was : Castle of the Whispering Winds.
A few months later...While I was walking in the woods..I encountered Sir Charles Pendragon.... he was very kind and we fell in love rapidly...only...I did not know he was a childe of the night..and that the blood of the Nosferatu Vampires and the werewolves flowed in his veins... after a few days.. I discovered this..and gave my life to be immortal.. Yes I know you ask yourselves why a Half-elven would want to be immortal if she can live so long... well to tell the truth..I wanted to know what it was to be a vampiress...*sigh*
Suffice is to say that it was not what I expected...I ran from my "father" and swore that I would find a way to become my old beautiful half-elven self...and the power of the elements that I had lost...
I went in search...wearing my mothers amulet....One day..I crossed a mage and he asked : "Kaysa, why did you do it?... why did you trade your gift from the elements for this?"
Well right off the bat I was suprised..and hid in the bushes.. this man knew me....he cajoled me out of hidding..and I slowly came out...: "I did it cause I was curious..I did not know..and I loved him..."
The Mage waved his hand and told me to fallow..telling me that he would teach me how to find what I had lost and keep the curse I had put upon myself....I learned for 4 human years how to become the most powerful Sorceress I could.... That includes the power of knowing all that happens near me.. and knowing what all people how are around me are not telling me...or others... the power of hearing the demons and deities in the elements... the power of polymorphing into any form I favorites are that of the Golden Dragon and the Silver Pegacorn...and many more..In every day life I keep the same form I had before I became a childe of the night...and I am now..both..a childe of the night and of the elements and light...
One day the Old Mage came to me and told me it was time for me to leave..I asked him then.. how he had known who I was under the form of a Nosferatu Vampiress...and he answered : "I saw your mothers amulet..she was once my apprentice..and I promised her..that if you needed me..I would be there for you..." I had not heard of my mother since I had left almost a century in human years ago...and asked him if she was well..he told me that she had joined the winds..and was always near me.... I cried for days..I had wanted to see her again..but never had...So I set off...not knowing where I was going..but fallowing the winds that were back to guide me true and clear.....
One day I walked into a field and saw a castle..I went toward it..and entered..I was greeted by many people all more kind then the next and was immediatly accepted within their warmth.. At first I hid in the shadows..not wanting people to know what I was..for I was still unsure that my form was well...*warm smile*..I need not have worried. But I also changed my name.. I used the name : Pach for it seemed came from the name of one of the many pets that dwelled in my castle
During my stay at the Castle I met a wonderful man.. his name Spectral Hacker...he swept me off my feet with his poetry and conversation...and one day I told him of my heritage and my "curse"..and my true name he accepted all and did not flinch..We left for about 6 months...on a journey to know one other...
Upon our return to the Castle many new people populated
The Castle...and we were accepted with ease, my spirit sister Lady Eclipse welcome me with open arms..
Well you know the rest of the have been with me from this point on....
Now you have reached the best this part..I tell of my spirits life...the one I received from the
whispering winds... I am 21 years of age.. I come from the elements my true home is where my heart lies
You may wonder why I am telling you this..but it is for a very simple reason... One night upon my
arrival in the Castle..I felt a presence that was new...I look upon the shadows near the window
and saw ~Seneca Princess~, I welcomed her into the Castle..fearing as always that my family had
not done so before my arrival...and she spoke to me.. I felt like I had met her before, so I asked
her if she had come her before..under another name perhaps.... and yet she replied no... I did not
mind.. for I knew that I would get to know her more.....That night Eclipse adopted Seneca Princess
into the family.. for this I was pleased.
Seneca and I develop a friendship and with Eclipse we often walked around the Castle grounds talking
and listening to the whispers of the winds...Seneca helped me let my spirit lose once more.. it
feared no longer coming out and playing with hers..or Eclipse's..
Eclipse and I also close to that moment discovered we were Spirit sisters and we have shared many
laughing moments... I know that when I am in need of her presence all I must do think about her
and I feel her warmth...
Seneca Princess and I are also sisters of the spirit..but in a different way.... she is wiser then I..
and I have learned much from her.. She says kindly to me that we teach each other..this I am not sure of
*warm smile*... But I wish to thank her for her readings..she has permitted me to be free without doubt
and she as taught me many things.. Thank you Seneca...
I soar with the winds and laugh with it's whispers.. I am a free spirit and those that have tried to
crush, trap or harm me have paid dearly..... I have learned alot since my return to my sources..
and one of those that I must, often, return to nature...Yes I may live in a small town
and I may like the things from the modern world...but I crave nature and it's power...and I listen
to all and talk with those that care to listen to me....
Thank you for reading this.. I know it was long...Spectral Hacker and I have returned to live in the Castle of the Whispering Winds..and are quite happy...I visit the Castle now everyday...and reminince with it's inhabitants...I have returned to my true name..and many wondered at this.. I decided that it was time for me to be true to myself...
Next story...I become Vampiress...
or....go... Back to Whispering Winds.....or...
go... To my encounter with the Mage....Kaysa become Sorceress...or...
go... To My encounter with Spectral Hacker.. known then as Poet....Who is StarGazer...
I Love You Kardiak...and this for that have brought the magic of fantasy back into my life...
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Last updated : November, 2000