Shanondai's Corner Tower ~Room Two, Library~

Crosswinds was a game world created by Malic in 1997. Together Malic and Shanondai created the table top version of this roleplaying game. After about a year After that we graduated to PBeM version and enjoy ourselves with all our friends (listed in the characters section) for well over a year. The bad news is that after such a long time the PBeM slowly died away, as soon as we noticed this we started created the Crosswinds Legacy MUD (Multi-User Dimension). You're probably wondering why we are calling it Crosswinds Legacy.. well we have been through so much with this game that this final stage it is about to embark upon is what we are hoping will be a lasting legacy....

You can find Crosswinds Legacy (not completed and only in it's begining stages but we are all able to "chat") at this address : Port : 3333. You will need a mud client to input the address and port.

Where can you find a mud client.... that's easy : Zuggsoft has ZMUD which is an easy to use, easy to learn mud client.

If you want to visit Crosswinds Legacy's home page visit here. (It's not up yet..We're working on it...

-Shanondai Ral'wind and Malic Tathalious.

You will be redirected in 2 seconds....if it fails please click here

For your listen enjoyment...All By Myself... Because sometimes.. we need to be all by ourselves.

My URL: Castle Whispering Winds
I got it for free at V3-URL

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[Berkana's Library] [Crosswinds PBeM] [Shanondai's Adventures in Crosswinds] [Crosswinds Legacy]
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Last updated : November, 2000