The X-Files Pen Pal Page

If you want to meet other X-philes, this is the place to do it. Read through the descriptions of your fellow fans and contact someone you like. If you would like your description posted, please sent it to me through e-mail at I hope you enjoy this page and your new friend.

Randi Sparks

hi. my name is randi sparks, and i'm a horrible x-phile. i'm a shipper, but i don't want them to show it. i just want to know it's there. i've seen every ep. since the very beginning, but i run after a 3 yr old daughter these days so i can't remember half of what's going on. i'm a 20 yr old student at EKU, an english major with a writing emphasis, and single. i answer all e-mail faithfully. i've been out of the newsgroup awhile 'cause i switched servers, but now i'm back with a vengence. i'm a founding member (*L*) of COG3, which doesn't really talk about gizzie that much, but we do talk about her posts. what else? did i mention that i love the x-files?

Paul Taylor

I like X-files as much as you how about getting in contact

Brady Grace

I am ashamed to say that I haven't been watching XF from the beginning--I am a late bloomer. I do love it just as much as anyone, though. I am a 21 y.o. student at the University of Oregon, applying to pharmacy school. I also like The Simpsons, dogs, and BEER!!

Jessica Glidden

My nickname is Kitty. I am 15 and love to watch the x-files. I've been watching since it started except I missed alot right around when Sculley got abducted (don't you hate it when you miss the good parts). I also love to get e-mail and would be willing to return, any that I get.. I look forward to chatting with anyone who writes me :)


Except your friends.So write often. Please feel free to email me for whatever reason. I promise to return your mail : )



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