I am ashamed to say that I haven't been watching XF from the
beginning--I am a late bloomer. I do love it just as much as anyone,
though. I am a 21 y.o. student at the University of Oregon, applying to
pharmacy school. I also like The Simpsons, dogs, and BEER!!
Jessica Glidden
My nickname is Kitty. I am 15 and love to watch the x-files. I've been
watching since it started except I missed alot right around when Sculley
got abducted (don't you hate it when you miss the good parts). I also
love to get e-mail and would be willing to return, any that I get.. I
look forward to chatting with anyone who writes me :)
Except your friends.So write often. Please feel free to email me for whatever reason.
I promise to return your mail : )
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