X-Files Fanfiction

This section features x-files fanfiction written by me and my pal, Cranberry. We only started writting recently, so there's not much in here yet. But we are locked away in the basement, writing like mad as we speak. So please check back for new stories! Thanx and enjoy!!

My Fanfic

please send feedback toSamantha

Work in progress: As yet untitled

[Introduction] [Part 1a]

summary: With Scully away in a medical conference, Mulder team up with another agent in pursuit of a sick serial killer.

X*F*I*L*E:Welcome to Hell

work in progress

[Introduction] [Background story] [ACT 1] [ACT 2] [ACT 3] [ACT 4] (NEW!)

summary: X-Files/M*A*S*H crossover. Alternate Universe! The gang becomes military surgeon in the Third World War. Tears, laughters, pranks and general craziness! Script Format.

Our Fanfic

please send feedback toCranberry orSamantha

Sad Love Story

summary: Scully is in love and wants to tell Mulder, but she never seems
to be brave enough.

Cranberry's Fanfic

please send feedback to Cranberry

Mulder vs. Scully

summary: Scully now has a new job, working for the FBI in the X-Files Department. But at the time she is meeting Mulder, she realizes that she had known him before, but they hated each other, and they still do.

Attention!Fanfic authors!

If you are a new fanfic author, and need some place to showcase your work, this is the perfect place for you. I only have one little rule, please don't give me NC-17 fanfic. Other than that, all authors are welcome! Please submit your fanfic here.

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This X-Files Fanfic Webring site is maintained by Samantha.