In the beginning "God"* created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
* You can insert the name of any diety that you see fit here. "God" is simply the most common name, but this story is not limited to those Christian and Jewish readers seeking the truth from this page. ;P
You all know the story by now. Eventually MAN was created. Now any of you people out there should know that mankind is generally a pathetic bunch of losers, who don't know how to behave. God saw this, so he created the Supreme Being to keep mankind in check (so to speak).
But eventually the Supreme Being got a little corrupt (as most things do), so God had to create the Supreme Being of Supreme Supremity to put it in. The Supreme Being of Supreme Supremity then started getting a little corupt itself, so God created the Big Baked Potato to contain both their evils.
The story of the corruption of both the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being of Supreme Supremity is a rather interesting one...
The "Arch Chives" had long been striving for absolute power. Soon after "God" created the earth, he created the Arch Chives. God (Ok, in the interest of speed of typing, I'm going to stop using the quotes from here on) had origionally intended to populate the Earth with the Chives, but they turned out to be improperly designed, and they tried to domimate or kill every other type of being that they came in touch with. Even God.
God couldn't have this on his planet, so he bannished the Chives to some place he called "Hell", but many people today call it Idaho. God then created Mankind. After looking at mankind for a while God realized that they weren't much better than the Chives, but he had used up all his Hard Drive Space by then, and couldn't create anything else for a few millenia. So God decided that Mankind should not easily come into contact with other intellegent life, so he stuck Earth in a small out-of-the-way corner of the galaxy, where they wouldn't be bothered.
As God looked upon Mankind, he realized that despite all the fundamentalist Christians that he had sent to show people how not to think, Mankind simply wasn't improving. So God created what he believed would be the perfect tool for keeping Mankind in line, the Surpreme Being.