Hello, My name is Tomas, author of various pieces of fanfiction such as Twin Black Phoenix and Dual Shadows.

Okay, if you've stumbled your way here, you might be wondering what this is.  Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, John Kwok (referred to us who know him simply as Kwok) started a forum on Delphi for anime and manga fanfiction.  The best part about the forum was the built in chatroom, which allowed for some rather insane Roleplaying.  Eventually, Delphi decided to change their chatroom system and turned it into complete crap.  All that remained were memories and the log files of those of us who took part in the adventures.

Over the years, most of those logs have been lost through human or computer error.  However, I have managed to save a few of them.  This small site is the new storage home for these logs.


WARNING!  We of the chatroom were (and probably still are) a bunch of perverted freaks of nature.  Read these at your own risk.  They do get insane.  They could get graphic.  I am not responsible for your reading of them.


A few of these logs are named by some major event that happened in them.  Most of them aren't.  If you read through one of the non-named logs, email me and let me know what happened so I can get them properly marked.


Named Logs:

Tomas' Birthday

The Pissing Man

The First Invaders

Panda Trader and Saturn Clone, Oh My!


Unnamed Logs:

Log 01            Log 06            Log 11

Log 02            Log 07            Log 12

Log 03            Log 08            Log 13

Log 04            Log 09            Log 14

Log 05            Log 10            Log 15