Still Being Developed
The Story:
The people of Xadres are happy. They get what ever they want, they are free to do whatever they want, providing it's within the law. The law is fair, nothing too unreasonable; Don't question the authority of the Dragon Corporation. The only people that seem to have a hard time with this live in small colonies in the deserts, and under the planet's surface. They are dubbed "Freelance" and treated with severe hostility. They follow a different law; one that says "love the one that created you and love all as you love yourself." They have a different perspective on the "freedom" of Xadres. From the outside, they can see past the illusions and the grandeur of the Dragon Corporation. They can see the chains that bind everyone that follows the DragonCorp ways. They can see the death that the Corporation is bringing to Xadres. They will free the people....with help......
The story is really much farther along now, I have started writing the script for the first story. This story deals with the young Keegan wrestling with his destiny as a chosen member of the 'fre, and how his family deals with this. It also introduces most of the characters central to the larger plot-line, such as Roi, Theron, and Etrot.Old Stuff:
I am currently working on characters, and so far I only have one that has been fleshed out. His name is Roi and he is a former Dragon Corp. high official. UPDATE!: I have another freelance, his name is Keegan, and he has been with the Dragon Corp. since his father was "silenced" by the enforcers. He is starting to question his loyalties and who he places his trust in. I have also created Theron, the "Mighty Hunter". He is one of the head enforcers, and leads the "hunting" teams.If you didn't notice, the "good guys" name has changed from the Nazarene Sect to the 'Fre. After much internal debate, I figured that the "Nazarene Sect" just wouldn't work. It was mostly changed because of the denomination called "Nazarene", and the "Sect" added on just didn't make it sound different or better. If anyone reads this page, and you have a name that you think would work better, feel free to E-Mail it to me.
I would like to get some artwork of these characters and settings up here, but I am struggling finding artists with time on their hands, so it may be a while. Just keep checking back, and this page will slowly transform into what I want it to become!
More to come...